Tuesday 26 September 2017

Maybe Spend Some Of That Donation Money On Retraining?

Headteacher, Darren Mann - who only took over the role at the Quinton school on Monday - said he contacted the RSPCA, local vets and wildlife experts after the shock find.
He told the Coventry Telegraph that even the RSPCA team were in disbelief, repeatedly saying 'raccoons don't live in England' and reassuring him that it was probably a 'mangy' cat or badger.
 But wait! Didn't they recently get into a public strop about people keeping these things as pets?
Nicola White, an RSPCA officer specialising in exotic animals said: “The RSPCA is very concerned about the trend of keeping raccoon dogs as pets as we have in recent years dealt with a number of call-outs to stray pet raccoon dogs that have escaped, or been deliberately released to the wild. "
So there's no excuse for your idiot call centre handlers pooh-poohing this man's call, is there?

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