Tuesday 5 September 2017

Ouch! Oh, Twitter...

The series was dreadful. I didn't bother to watch the second episode. If you really must watch a gritty, Lahndahn private eye show, try a bit of nostalgia instead.

H/T@jon_abbott via Twitter


  1. I actually rather liked it-if only because it would have gotten right up the noses of the Anti-smoker brigade. No doubt by series 2 he'll be joining Clarkson and chewing nicorette.

    TBH I always loathed HP and could never understand what adults saw in JR's Hogwarts tosh but I was rather surprised by the quality of Strike....even if at times it threatened to go a bit Jack Reacher. Good, the plot wasn't of pre-pc Midsomer quality but that can be worked on.

  2. "I actually rather liked it-if only because it would have gotten right up the noses of the Anti-smoker brigade..."

    Surprisingly, I've seen no criticism on that score from the usual suspects. It's almost as if some authors get a pass...
