Saturday 2 September 2017

War Is Hell, And Culture War Is Even Worse…

Gaby Hinsliff is your war correspondent today:
What makes the Tower Hamlets story so titillating for some readers is the idea of little Christian children in east London being forcibly subjugated by Muslims, which evokes both an age-old racist trope and a contemporary fear among Europeans under attack from Islamic State. Even if every word were true, which it clearly isn’t, the story would have needed handling responsibly.
For when this nebulous anxiety about identity finds something concrete to cling to, the consequences can be serious. Charlottesville ended in the death of a young woman. If Great Ormond Street hospital staff got death threats following reporting of the Charlie Gard case, imagine what might be spewed at Tower Hamlets staff in the next few days. The facts will never, ever catch up with the headlines, at least for those who get their news chiefly from far-right Facebook pages.
Yes, just forget about it, it's all a manipulation of 'the media' to make you fear Muslims. Just listen to the 'Guardian' in future, they'll never twist or manipulate the facts to sway you....
...this isn’t just about fostering, any more than recent events in Charlottesville were about removing a statue. Both stories tap into the fears of a white majority that feels its privileged status slipping away, and is suddenly terrified of being treated as it often treated minorities in the past; of having its identity erased.
You see, if it happens, we deserve it anyway!


  1. What was enlightening, but not surprising, was the propaganda being fed to the child which she regurgitated. Christmas and Easter are stupid and Western women are alcoholics. And her crucifix necklace was chucked away. You wouldn't print my views.

  2. “this isn’t just about fostering”

    Yeah, they'd like that to be true, wouldn't they? Because it's all about fostering. It's little children in east London being forcibly subjugated by the state. As every commentator I've read on the subject has said, it would be equally wrong and disturbing had a young muslim child been placed with a fundamentalist Christian family.

    Which, we all know, would never happen. But that's beside the point. No, really, it doesn't matter how outraged you are, it is. Because the story here - the scandal - is of a Labour council providing “care services” that quite clearly don't care worth a damn, preferring to further a Leftist political agenda rather than actually serve the needs of vulnerable children. Of course the Guardian wishes it were about something else.

  3. War is mostly just boring and uncomfortable.

  4. Unsurprisingly, the mendacious grievance-mongering Islamic taqiyya artists of the 'Islamophobia' monitors Tell Mama are following a similar policy of saying 'nothing to see here move along' as the Guardian are doing. As in many similar cases that they've commented on they are trying to play down the Islam angle. See

  5. The Tower Hamlets foster child story sums up a rotten borough

    Evil behaviour by TH and criminal child abuse

    TH Mayor was on BBC R4 yesterday: waffle, spin, "Scandalous reporting by The Times" ie true, but I don't like it.

    Mr TH Mayor, scandalous is what your employees did, not The Times exposing it.

    All who approved should be sacked for gross misconduct and banned from public sector and from any job related to children for life.

  6. As Douglas Murray pointed out a few days ago, notorious Islamic extremist (he legally has been called one, by law) Shakeel Begg has recently popped up in Tower Hamlets telling encouraging Muslims that share his views to become foster carers.

    I think we can see where this is going.

  7. Paul, Shakeel Begg although a proven Islamic extremist is pretty good at showing one side of his face, the smiling happy clappy multiculti side, to various useful idiots such as left wing Vicars and Rabbi's etc and another more fire and brimstone hateful side to his Muslim audiences. Either the Children's Services staff at Lewisham are incompetent in allowing this event to occur at a mosque which is a known magnet for extremists, or they know about Begg's real self but don't care because it ticks a 'diversity box' on a council questionnaire and therefore meets and internal council policy goal. I cannot possibly see how people who are genuinely concerned with children's welfare would have anything to do with Begg and if they are looking for Muslim foster carers why in that case didn't they approach groups in the Islamic community that have better reputations for being peaceful such as the Ismailis or the Ahmediyya? I suspect that something is not quite right in Lewisham Children's Services and it has been infiltrated by members of the Left/Islamic alliance.

    Here is an article about one particular 'useful idiot' who helps Begg burnish his happy clappy multiculti credentials.

    This woman is dangerous. She shares a platform with a known Islamic extremist, promotes 'refugees welcome' policies that have been proved to endanger European citizens and lastly, but quite worrying to me personally, she tarnishes the image of Britain's Jews by her idiocy and by the company she chooses to keep.

  8. "You wouldn't print my views."

    Bet I would!

    "'s all about fostering. It's little children in east London being forcibly subjugated by the state."

    The same State that's so woefully poor at preventing them being murdered or mutilated by their parents, too...

    "As in many similar cases that they've commented on they are trying to play down the Islam angle."

    Islam is amazing, until something like this come to light, then it's 'Islam? What Islam?'...

    "...Shakeel Begg has recently popped up in Tower Hamlets telling encouraging Muslims that share his views to become foster carers.

    I think we can see where this is going."

    I think we can, indeed....

    "...she tarnishes the image of Britain's Jews by her idiocy and by the company she chooses to keep."

    What motivates these useful idiots?
