Tuesday 3 October 2017

Ah, The Benefits Of Diversity & Enrichment....

...the gifts that just keep on giving:
West Midlands Police has confirmed the incident is not terror related but they are keeping an 'open mind as to whether it was religiously or racially motivated'.
The boy's uncle said: 'They slashed his throat, stabbed him twice in the face and in his arms.' The founding member of the Shia mosque, who asked not to be named, believes the attack was 'inspired by Daesh' - the Arabic nickname for ISIS.
He said: 'There is no doubt that this was a targeted attack.
'The victim might have been random, but in my mind it is clear that these people are from Daesh, and wanted to kill a Shia Muslim based on the belief that they would go to heaven.'
Witnesses at the scene told the Birmingham Mail the teenager was stabbed after being dropped off at the mosque by his father for part of a special 10-day event.
Thanks, progressives!

Update: 'Dominic Palmer' doesn't sound very ethnic. A convert?


  1. My money at this stage would be on a convert. Islam seems to attract the mad and the violent and welcomes them as converts. Which says a lot about Islam doesn't it?

  2. Heh. I guessed it would be something like that when the story suddenly dropped off the MSM's radar. They all preach about fake news, but the same crime can be a national scandal and a local story depending on how well it serves the left's agenda.

  3. We got Norfolk style: https://tinyurl.com/yb9nmsa8

    or " OI do see yooor knife and OI raise yow a chainsaw , hedge 'rimmer and pi'chfork."

  4. So, after prominent headlines the media have pretty well dropped this story. And we all know why....

  5. I'm afraid that I have reached the stage where my reaction to this sort of internecine conflict, and the resultant casualties thereof ceases to have any significant effect upon me.
    Sorry for that.

  6. "My money at this stage would be on a convert."

    Mine too.

    "I guessed it would be something like that when the story suddenly dropped off the MSM's radar."

    It's astonishing how quickly something becomes a non-story, isn't it?

    "or " OI do see yooor knife and OI raise yow a chainsaw , hedge 'rimmer and pi'chfork.""


    "...ceases to have any significant effect upon me."

    You're in good company. I lump it in with gang shootings & knifings.
