Thursday 26 October 2017

Devaluing Hell....

Ms Attala, 43, of Old Shoreham Road, Portslade, said she and her daughter Isabella, 12, had been held hostage in their own home by the noise.
She said: “They started major, loud works, which included industrial machines and floodlights, right next to my house from 10pm on Thursday to 2.30am the following morning.
“These included disc cutters for the metal pipes, a generator and crew of five to six men chatting and whistling through the night.
“I had to get up for work at 6am and my daughter had to go to school.
“We had hardly any sleep at all and it was a living hell with my daughter and I crying and trying to sleep at 2am.”
So, basically, you were kept awake for 4 and a half hours, while the vital work to keep you supplied with water went on? And that's 'a night of hell'..?


  1. Fear not Mrs Attala, help is at hand: next time gently heat a half pint of milk (zero fat of course), when it gets hot stir in some honey (preferably fair trade, vegan,salt free, organic manuka), to taste. Then crumble in two 10mg tablets of Tamazepam (Diazepam works as well). Whisk gently with a Jamie Oliver patent Pukka-Whisk then pour into a pint glass. Make up to the pint with whisky from that darling little shop you discovered next to your Air-BNB in the highlands. Drink in one go.

    ...and if it works on your 12 year old you can make another one for yourself

  2. So, basically, you were kept awake for 4 and a half hours, while the vital work to keep you supplied with water went on? And that's 'a night of hell'..?

    For most snowflakes that is hell because it is out of their control. For everyone else it is damned annoying - unless informed about it before it happens (unless it was and emergency repair)in which case you live with it.

  3. Ms Attala said she was told the work was done overnight because otherwise water supplies would be reduced to a larger number of customers during the day.

    Ah yes, inconvenience the others not me. I would put money on her being a socialist.

    1. Of course she is, she's a "Ms" with a child, no father in sight and her first recourse is the local paper...

  4. "held hostage in their own home by the noise"

    Held hostage by noise? That's like being sexually assaulted by weather.

  5. "

    Held hostage by noise? That's like being sexually assaulted by weather."

    And that, Jools, has to be in the short list for comment of the week! Mind you, if MC lived in North Norfolk he'd know that the weather here has been on the Sex Offenders register since before there was do get in places it do where even Carlsberg don't.

  6. Attala... Hmm. ANOTHER good old English name protesting at the slightest annoyance.

  7. What an example and inspiration you are to mortals, Furrier Testiculus. Nightwork affecting 'Höhlen am Fuggerei' would not result in some upper torso hanging out of a fifth floor, Sozialwohnung window, screaming obscenities in German mocked by a thick Scottish accent?

  8. "...and if it works on your 12 year old you can make another one for yourself"


    "For most snowflakes that is hell because it is out of their control. "

    Good point!

    "Of course she is, she's a "Ms" with a child, no father in sight and her first recourse is the local paper..."

    That's pretty much all they have in them these days.

    "Attala... Hmm. ANOTHER good old English name protesting at the slightest annoyance."

