Tuesday 17 October 2017

I Think The Problem Is Closer To Home...

...on his first day she was called into school over claims he attacked a dinner lady.
Ms Yourelis claims this was because he was alone and 'petrified' of the other children in the playground.
She said: 'Eli began hitting this person and as a result I was called into the school.'
Well, yes. What else would you expect?
'Eli's condition is not diagnosed yet but he has trouble understanding social situations and will often get confused and lash out.
Ms Yourelis, from Bromborough, Merseyside, had a meeting with staff and claims she was told that expelling him was an option.'
I'm wondering why someone whose initial reaction is physical violence was ever admitted to a normal school!
She said: 'I told them he needed support not exclusion and a behavioural plan was put together.
'He has lashed out a few times at school since he started but they haven't given him the support he needs.'
They aren't equipped to do so. If he's that uncontrollable, he needs to be in a special school, for his sake and everyone else's.
'They tried to show me videos of Eli striking out at teachers but I never gave them permission to film my son.'
That's a strange reaction, isn't it? To immediately think that your uncontrollable little hellion is the real victim?
Ms Yourelis received a letter on September 28 stating that Eli will be permanently excluded from the school. The letter said that Eli was excluded due to a serious breach of school behaviour policy. This included seriously harming and attacking five members of staff - thumping, kicking, biting, damaging school property and using offensive and threatening language.
She added: 'I'm going to tribunal with this case because I feel like the school have failed my son.'
They had him for one day. You had him for four years. What are the odds?


  1. At this point, I believe the traditional phrase is 'the father was not available for comment'.

    Meanwhile, we'll have to see if demand for places at this school goes up or down now people know it won't pander to stupid sluts and their thuglets.

    Hell, if I was running a school, I'd be advertising this sort of thing:

    'Bumbleton Primary: scored 0 out of 10 in Useless Whore Magazine's 2017 survey'

    'Bumbleton Primry: Officially Britain's Least Sensitive School (according to the National Society of Psychobabblers and Talkers of Pseudoscientific Drivel)'

    'Worse than Hitler! (Nora D'Bleyding-Heart, author of 'Why I Demand Your Child's School Need To Pander To Scum (But I'm Going Private)'

  2. Doesn't appear to be a father, what a surprise.

  3. As someone who was almost expelled himself for anti-social behaviour, I can only say this: if the school isn't equipped to handle a troublesome pupil, then the pupil needs to be transferred somewhere that is equipped to handle them. I was lucky: my school was equipped well enough to handle me, and with some hard work, my behaviour improved dramatically. But not every school can offer the same.

  4. "They aren't equipped to do so. If he's that uncontrollable, he needs to be in a special school, for his sake and everyone else's."

    Needs to be in a straitjacket.

  5. There is always a forgotten victim in all these things: the rest of the class which will have suffered as a result of this one pupil.

    As a governor, I had to point that out one day when we had a similar issue and told the staff in no uncertain terms that it was all well and good to care for that child but that the 29 other kids in the form had suffered a measurable fall in attainment and I hadn't heard much about them.

  6. "Hell, if I was running a school, I'd be advertising this sort of thing"

    A cracking idea!

    "Doesn't appear to be a father, what a surprise."

    There hardly ever is. And when there is, he's often less adult than child.

    "But not every school can offer the same."

    Sadly, some genius decided they all had to, regardless.

    "Needs to be in a straitjacket."

    Spot on!

    "There is always a forgotten victim in all these things: the rest of the class which will have suffered as a result of this one pupil."

    A very good point. But they have no cards to play in Victimhood Poker.
