Thursday 5 October 2017

Just As 'No Plan Survives Contact With The Enemy'... 'No sob story in a local newspaper survives closer examination':
A homeless single mother and her ten-year-old son are having to share a bed in a flat that has had no hot water for 12 days.
OK, everyone ready? Let's go!
Lisa Sullivan, was placed in the bedsit in a homeless shelter in South Coast Road, Peacehaven, with autistic son Thomas Ellis six weeks ago after her relationship with her partner broke down and she had nowhere to live.
'Autistic' again? Why are they always autistic in these stories?
She was told by Brighton and Hove City Council they would only have to stay there for four weeks – but has now been informed it could take up to a year to find somewhere else.
Seems fairly normal so far.
Ms Sullivan, 33, who a few years ago appeared on TV dating show Take Me Out...
Oh oh! More red flags in this one than a F1 season!
...said: “It is inhumane to be left living like this with my young boy.”
As the commenters point out, you're fed, warm, dry, have a roof over your head. That's not really 'inhumane', is it? And why no hot water?
“It has been 12 days we have gone without hot water and we have complained both to the council and the landlord but both just say it is not their problem and there is nothing they can do.”
Really? They are legally responsible for it. I think we aren't getting the whole truth here...
“I am not homeless through my own fault so I don’t understand why we haven’t had any support.”
What a pity the 'Argus' didn't let the father have a say in....


Well well well!


  1. "Why are they always autistic in these stories?"

    Because getting your child statemented as autistic is the number one aim of all single mothers on benefits wishing to game the system for more £££. A friend is a teacher at a fairly rough comprehensive, and he says just about every single parent he deals with is trying to get their child statemented in order to get more benefits.

  2. The truth? It doesn't fit with the feminist mantra that all males are guilty by virtue of being male, and all problems experienced by any female are the result of some guilty male's sexist behaviour.

  3. But this is Brighton?! Surely the council can find some gratuitous, car-owning, non-vegan member of the local community to turf out of thier accomodation for the greater good of all that is Green, Corbynite and virtuous?

  4. Have some sympathy for the lass.

    She simply jumped on the wrong bandwagon:

  5. "Why are they always autistic in these stories?"

    What Sobers wrote plus - I worked in a comprehensive and no department soaked up staff, resources and money like "special needs" or whatever the pc title is these days. You could get any dubiously parented kid on the autism spectrum without much effort and, believe me, to justify their salaries and bonuses they will put in the effort.

  6. Autism is a disability requiring special treatment and magic money tree funding?

    I guess that's why, allegedly, autistic Gordon "Golum" Brown believed the magic money tree was real.

    Many do well without that stigma being applied, especially in IT, GCHQ & Politics.

  7. Can't she find employment on the latest TV reality show: 'I'm a lazy twat; get me out of here, preferably in a well appointed 5 bed council house'.

  8. 'Autistic' again? Why are they always autistic in these stories?

    Because modern parents don't care about their kids' health and refuse to smoke, if they even smoke at all, in the home. Ergo every kid is either autistic, asthmatic or has ADHD. And those that aren't are living with mommy because St.John's Wort just doesn't cut depression the way Players did. Instead of having a fag and a cuppa , divorce seemed the only way out.

  9. As someone who has a very severely autistic relative (severe as in can't talk or look after himself at all), I must say the definition of the condition has expanded pretty dramatically in the last three decades or so.

  10. "Because getting your child statemented as autistic is the number one aim of all single mothers on benefits wishing to game the system for more £££. "

    Good grief!

    "Have some sympathy for the lass.

    She simply jumped on the wrong bandwagon..."


    " department soaked up staff, resources and money like "special needs" or whatever the pc title is these days."

    A true growth industry, it seems.

  11. "...I must say the definition of the condition has expanded pretty dramatically in the last three decades or so."

    With good reason, if we follow the money.
