Monday 16 October 2017

"My old man's a dustman, 'e wears a dustman's 'at...."

....'e wears gorblimey trousers, and is abused by a Muslim chap."
The man filming says: 'Because there's a white woman here, he's taking everything.
'It is a matter of colour of skin here.'
 Of course it is... *rolls eyes*
The man filming ends the video by pointing the camera at the binman and saying: 'This face is going on YouTube today. That is the most racist little b*****d face.'
No, his isn't. But your's just might be...

H/T: DanSaffend via Twitter


  1. So, er, are the police going to investigate what is clearly a hate crime driven by rampant racism?

  2. In the days when that song was written a Muslim chap giving that abuse would, most likely, end up in the garbage bin head down.

    Unfortunately today that type of retribution would have all the snowflakes melting and the SJWs virtue signalling like mad.

  3. "So, er, are the police going to investigate what is clearly a hate crime driven by rampant racism?"

    Ha ha ha ha! Oh, wait. You're serious?

    "Unfortunately today that type of retribution would have all the snowflakes melting"

    What happens in the crusher, stays in the crusher, IYKWIMAITYD... ;)
