Wednesday 18 October 2017

The 'Guardian's' Efforts To Find The Least Sympathetic Cause Might Have Run Its Course....

....because I can't see them topping this one:
In a corner of a teeming refugee camp, 40 miles north of Raqqa, a small group of women and children are kept alone. They mill together at the back of a blue building; blond and brown haired children darting in between blankets that their mothers have hung as doors across small, dank rooms. Others in the Ain Issa camp call them “the Daeshis”, meaning Islamic State families. No one wants to know them.
 Hardly surprising!
International aid agencies and governments are scrambling to assess the numbers of widows and orphans now thought to be at extreme risk, both within their societies and at the hands of predatory local officials.
“No one will deal with them, or even touch them,” said Ahmed al-Raqqawi, a 25-year-old anti-Isis fighter in the centre of Raqqa.
When they were here, they used to think they were kings. Even the women.”
Well, most likely, they thought they were queens...!
“The women who chose to leave the UK and go there need to be responsible for what they did. They will not be coming home,” said a British official.
The children, though, deserve compassion.”
Do they? Why? Why take the risk? Even the French are well aware of the dangers they may pose:
On Friday, France appeared to flag an advance in its position, with the defence minister, Florence Parly, announcing on French radio that the children of its dead nationals may be taken in, but not their mothers.
“Children who are in local custody can, depending on their parents’ preference, either stay with them while their parents get tried locally, or be repatriated to France, where they will be cared for by social services. They are usually very young, but they can have been radicalised and need to be watched. The challenge for us is to turn them into citizens again,” said Parly.
Is it a challenge worth taking? I don't think so.


  1. I thought these days, in these days of EU law anyways, a child-no matter where it is born on the planet or who the father is, automatically receives the nationality of the the first instance. Unless the mothers had their citizenships withdrawn already which seems unlikely as a lot of the MSM views the mothers as VICTIMS.

    So I'm not sure how the children are at risk of becoming stateless and by the same token the EU states at least have a duty of care towards their child citizens, which explains the French Statement.

    Not an easy one to solve, if one wants to avoid reaping the whirlwind of hatred-born-in-childhood down the line.

  2. No. Fuck 'em. The failure to kill Bin Laden's spawn has wrought its inevitable results. The creature is now picking up where his father left off. So, no, the risk is not worth it.

  3. Let a thousand doors slam shut...

  4. "International aid agencies and governments are scrambling over each other to assess the numbers of widows and orphans now thought to be at extreme risk so they can win the "Give us your money" competition using video of the cutest child each finds [dead boosts chance of winning]..."

    FTFY Mr Groanaid

  5. One could well imagine a six-year-old (M or F) torn from his mother and "abducted" to a French care home might well grow up with a touch of resentment towards his kidnappers. Natural stubbornness will make the child resentful of being forced to go native, and the child will seek ways to assert his / her individuality. Violence is far from the last resort.

    It will be a challenge indeed.

  6. Time for Muslim nations to demonstrate their "compassion" for these wolf cubs. Their mothers removed them from civilisation to raise them under extreme shariah. Islam says all born with a Muslim father are muslim and that apostates should be killed. Saudi Arabia funded extreme mosques. Send them these children, imprison for life their mothers as collaborators in the genocide of Christians, Yezidis and Alevi, let Saudi raise them (and keep our borders closed against their ever returning).

  7. Leave your adopted country and take up arms against it and you forfeit any claim on that country's sympathy for you, your 'wife' and your progeny. it is YOU who have condemned your offspring to a life without a home.

  8. "Not an easy one to solve, if one wants to avoid reaping the whirlwind of hatred-born-in-childhood down the line. "

    We are already in that whirlwind already. What's a few more MPH on the Beaufort Scale?

    "The failure to kill Bin Laden's spawn has wrought its inevitable results."

    If I hired a Rentokil man who said 'All the adult rats are gone, madam, but I've left the offspring', he wouldn't get the job.

    "FTFY Mr Groanaid"

    Heh! Bravo!

    "Leave your adopted country and take up arms against it and you forfeit any claim on that country's sympathy for you..."

    The ones demanding their return are traitors, just as much...
