Monday 9 October 2017

Well, At Least This Time, They're Asking!

Usually, they just go ahead and do it without telling anyone:
Parents are outraged after a letter was sent out asking if they would like a New Addington school to serve only halal certified meat.
Oh dear! Let fly a thousand angry Facebook shares!
Wolsey Academy headteacher Claire Majumdar said the school was happy to talk to parents about concerns and noted the letter did not mean a change was imminent.
"This all began after a parent wrote me a letter asking if we offered halal meat in the kitchen because that was their preference," she said.
"I then talked to our chef about it and he said that meat would either have to be all halal or no halal. So I sent out the letter hoping to hear what parents had to say.
"It was about hearing parents' voices and going with the majority."
Well, you've heard them now! Did you really expect a different response?
Ms Majumdar said she was surprised by the quick backlash.
Good to see that 'breathtaking naivety' is no bar to a teaching career...


  1. Was halal pork, ham, or bacon on offer?

    Enquiring minds etc.

  2. Also: "I'm not a Muslim but I personal don't have a problem as long as there is no unnecessary suffering caused to an animal."

    ...said someone who doesn't know what halal means regarding the death of the animal. As one commentator put it:

    "What next, ritual slaughter of unstunned animals in Domestic Science? "

  3. These people work in New Addington and were surprised by this result? It's hillbilly central there.

  4. I refuse to buy halal meat - or eat in premises where they proclaim they serve this. This is not a religious prejudice; I hold the same views regarding kosher meat. This pre-mediaeval ritual slaughter is totally barbaric.

  5. "...said someone who doesn't know what halal means regarding the death of the animal."


    "These people work in New Addington and were surprised by this result? It's hillbilly central there. "

    It has been rather absent from my news feeds recently. I thought gentrification might have tamed it somewwhat...

    "I refuse to buy halal meat - or eat in premises where they proclaim they serve this."

    Same here.
