Tuesday 10 October 2017

Well, Look At It Like Chlorine For The Gene Pool, Love...

The women’s hoodie, which describes anorexia as "like bulimia, except with self control", has been heavily criticised and Amazon urged to remove it from their website.
Anorexia sufferer Beth Grant, speaking on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show, said the hoodie “could be extremely damaging to anyone suffering with either bulimia or anorexia."
She said: "I think it could damage their mental health even further and cause them to potentially harm their life."
*shrugs* I don't seel that would be much of a loss, frankly.

But maybe she's got a point?
The hoodie, which is from a third party seller, is not available to buy from the company's UK website and cannot be shipped to the UK.
Hmmm.... Doesn't that make a bit of a difference, then?

Reader, of course it doesn't.
However Ms Grant said this would make little difference to those with anorexia or bulimia.
She added: "You can still see it on the internet. It can still harm them, even if they're not wearing it.
"I think they should issue a statement saying it is 'so sorry it's on our website'."
I think you should sod off and eat a sandwich, love. Your 5 minutes of fame are up.
Critics expressed their outrage on the Amazon sellers page.
One person commented: “So disgusting. There is a special place in hell for people like you who profit off of young girls dying of eating disorders.”
Is it next to the one for people who use 'off of' to mean 'off'...?


  1. The Cowboy Online10 October 2017 at 11:01

    Why is this even a story? It isn't even available on the UK website. Are Anorexia sufferers the kind of people who would go to the US site and specifically search for things to 'affect their mental health' like this? The desperate measures some people go to for their five minutes of fame.

  2. If I had a few grand spare I'd be emailing some friends in the US... I see a golden opportunity to make money and at the same time offend loads of snowflakes....doesn't get much better than that.

  3. There are so many real problems in the world more important that this pathetic nonsense.

    The snowflake, emotionally-enfeebled, offence-taking mind-set is now encroaching on (& degrading) all aspects of life.

    I want a jacket (not a hoodie, thank you) with GET A GRIP writ large upon it - hopefully it'll give one or more an attack of the vapours.

  4. Jack, 😂.

    Sorry JM, I guess that you would like "emojis" off of your blog. I couldn't resist the temptation. 👹

  5. Ed P; how about a jacket emblazoned with 'MAN UP' - that should cover a few more bases too.

    (Inspired by the Spouse, who is generally a calm and placid soul but, on seeing a 'Bake-off' contestant close to tears over some runny icing, exclaimed in exasperation "For God's sake, man up; it's only a bloody cake!")

  6. "Ed P; how about a jacket emblazoned with 'MAN UP' "

    Better still: "MAN UP & grow some balls, dear!"

  7. "Why is this even a story?"

    The 24 hour news cycle, and the easy availability of stuff for modern 'journalists' to use to meet deadlines.

    "The snowflake, emotionally-enfeebled, offence-taking mind-set is now encroaching on (& degrading) all aspects of life."

    What America starts, we get later.

    "I couldn't resist the temptation. 👹"


    "...but, on seeing a 'Bake-off' contestant close to tears over some runny icing, exclaimed in exasperation "For God's sake, man up; it's only a bloody cake!"..."

    I liked the first series, and some of the second. But now, I can't bring myself to watch.
