Friday 24 November 2017

Let's See The Media Pack Surround Paul Baxter And Rip Chunks From Him...

...just like his fighting dogs did to a family pet:
Paul Baxter, the owner of the dogs, says he is devastated by what happened, and claims that the dogs are usually gentle with his three-year-old daughter.
Christ! It's bred! No doubt the child isn't trained well either... dogs have never acted like this before. They are good with other dogs....
Really? That wouldn't be quite the truth, would it?

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said the two dogs have now been seized under the Dangerous Dogs Act (1991).
Police said Mr Baxter has not yet been arrested, as the investigation is ongoing.
Perhaps if you'd acted on the other incidents, this wouldn't have happened. Pity the owners of the beagle can't sue you for negligence.
Mr Baxter said whatever the outcome, he won’t see his dogs again. He added: “Even if they aren’t put down they will have to be rehomed. How could I ever walk them around here again after this? Imagine the daily abuse we would get.
“I’m gutted - those dogs were my pride and joy.”
Yeah, sure. You took them to obedience classes, taught them to fetch and...


Now, why would anyone want a 'family pet' that can hang off a tyre? Or one with illegally-cropped ears?
He told the Manchester Evening News : “Nothing like this has ever happened before. I don’t understand why this happened.”
It happened because you have an even lower IQ than your fighting dogs, as is evident from the semi-literate scrawl that is your Facebook page (which you've still not had the sense to delete).

And to pile injustice on top of injustice...
It could take up to six months before a decision is made on the future of Deebo and Loki.
The taxpayer is feeding these mutts at great expense while the wheels of justice creak lethargically into life. The police should have taken them into the front garden and shot them both. Or perhaps employed mighty hunter Venables to 'keep us all safe'?


  1. @JuliaM

    You're not on-message. Chavs, Underclass, Pikeys, RoPs & BAMEs are poor oppressed minorities whose "Cultural norms" must be respected and they enrich our society with their crimes.

    Makes no sense to me but Gov't, Judiciary & Police believe it.


    Sexual harassment - more than a "fleeting touch":
    BBC.Question.Time.170119.Thornberry.Sexually.Assaults.Morgan -

  2. "You're not on-message. Chavs, Underclass, Pikeys, RoPs & BAMEs are poor oppressed minorities whose "Cultural norms" must be respected and they enrich our society with their crimes."

    Oh, yeah, and don't forget the Roma!
