Saturday 4 November 2017

Sentimental Gestures Are Easy, When.... are spending other people's money:
In a symbol of solidarity with the McCanns, De Lisle College in Loughborough — the secondary school Madeleine, who would now be 14, would have attended — continues to reserve a place for her. This year, she would have started her GCSE course.
If you're a parent who wanted their child to get in to this place, and was told there was no room, I bet you're feeling pretty aggrieved right now.

And once more, I'm astonished at the hold this couple seem to have over influential people in the State apparatus.


  1. Blogger Chris Spivey isn't astonished. He believes the McCanns are Satanists involved in paedophilia/child sacrifice. Here is one of his many articles on the Madeleine McCann affair Madeleine McCann Is officially DEAD

  2. There will be a Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome councillor on 24 hour standby, just in case.
    Cuts? Shmutz.

  3. @Ian: There are those who believe Spivey is a festering boil on the arsehole of humanity.

  4. "There will be a Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome councillor on 24 hour standby, just in case."

