Saturday 23 December 2017

Ah, The Christmas School Play, What A Wonderful Festive Event...

Oh, hang on! This just in from our Welsh correspondent!
Police attended a Cardiff primary school as a crowd of 30 parents turned up to complain at how their children had been disciplined.
The head teacher of Windsor Clive Primary school cancelled the second showing of the Ely school’s Christmas concert because of the anger. Parents said they were angry that their children had been told off for their behaviour after the first showing of the concert on Monday.
They said the children were told they would be given bread and water for their Christmas party if they did not behave at the second concert yesterday.
 Well, that'll sort out the 'obesity crisis' too! Well done, that head teacher!
Dad Lee Robinson, who has two children at the school, said his six-year-old son was upset.
“After the first concert in the local church hall, the head teacher told them they had done brilliantly in front of the parents,” he claimed.
“But my son said afterwards they were told that they were absolutely rubbish and if they didn’t behave better they would be given bread and water at the Christmas party.”
Another mum said the children had said they were told they had let the school down.
“My nine-year-old went to bed crying, she was so upset,” she said.
 Well, what would Christmas be without a few snowflakes?
A spokesman for Cardiff council said: “Some parents have alleged that, following the Christmas concert on Monday, pupils were spoken to in an inappropriate manner. The school refutes this.
“If any parent has a complaint, we would expect them to use the appropriate channels to raise their concerns through the school’s complaints procedure.”
Far too tame! THIS....IS.....ELY!


  1. I yearn for the days when telling your parents a teacher punished or chastised you resulted in parent telling you teacher was correct and maybe punishing you again.

    The SJW Left no-winners, no-blame, no-consequences for individuals brainwashing has poisoned the UK.

  2. Not just a White Christmas but an ashen one.

  3. "I yearn for the days when telling your parents a teacher punished or chastised you resulted in parent telling you teacher was correct and maybe punishing you again."

    Oh, me too!

    "Not just a White Christmas but an ashen one."

