Saturday 2 December 2017

But You Want To Live Outside The Law, Right?

So don't start whining that the law won't help...
The Old Bailey erupted in fury and tears as two travellers were cleared of killing a young relative in a brawl at an M25 service station following a long-running feud.
Baker had denied murder, saying he had acted in self defence as CCTV appeared to show him backing off as Mr Saunders prepared to strike him.
Both defendants were cleared of murder after the Old Bailey jury deliberated over two days.
I'm surprised it took the jury that long for a verdict of 'Meh! Who cares? Pass the biscuits...'
A female relative collapsed in tears in the courtroom while others stormed out yelling 'I want justice served. I want justice served', before being ejected from the building by guards.
It'd take a heart of stone, wouldn't it? Nor was it this week's only case of 'NIH'*:
A father-of-three has been cleared of murdering a man in a dispute between travellers. Hugh Doherty, 45, died in hospital after being shot in Cranfield Park Avenue in Wickford, Essex, on Easter Sunday this year.
Levi Draper, 27, of Cranfield Park Avenue, was found not guilty of his murder at Chelmsford Crown Court. He was also found not guilty of the attempted murder of the victim's sister Esther Doherty. Co-defendant, 25-year-old Harriet Crittenden, of Cranfield Park Avenue, was also found not guilty of attempted murder.
In addition, Mr Draper was found not guilty of wounding and Judge Charles Gratwicke directed the jury on Monday to find him not guilty of possessing a firearm.
Ms Crittenden was also cleared of wounding and the judge directed the jury to record a not guilty verdict on a charge of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place.
No doubt there'll be more 'incidents', in retaliation. This time, don't waste court time.

*No Humans Involved


  1. NHI..............but yes I agree.....gypsies don't do irony.
    Keep an eye on the names of these men cleared as they will be in the headlines again soon. As Homer Simpson once said whilst holidaying in Italy.."what's the Italian word for vendetta?".

  2. As I said on another thread:

    To all aspiring rappers & Grimers [edit to add] and travelers/gypsies/pikeys, tool up and keep killing your "bros".

    PS: Recycling should please the Left SJW Green mob.

  3. "Keep an eye on the names of these men cleared as they will be in the headlines again soon. "

    Oh, it's a given!
