Friday 15 December 2017

Looking After Their Own....

A Pakistani doctor who molested a student nurse on a hospital ward is to keep his job after blaming the incident on 'cultural norms' in the UK.
 What, he'd seen 'Carry On Nurse' too many times..?
In June 2016 the father-of-two was ordered to sign the Sex Offender Register for five years after he was convicted of sexual assault by a jury.
He was also sentenced to a 12-month community order and subsequently lost appeals against his conviction.
That's 'appeals', PLURAL!
....the tribunal said erasing Qureshi's name from the Medical Register would be disproportionate, punitive and not in the public interest.
I'm the public. It's definitely in my interest.

H/T: Pcar in comments


  1. Decrying homosexuality while buggering small boys is also a cultural norm amongst these people. He'll probably now be elected to the British Medical Council.

  2. "He'll probably now be elected to the British Medical Council."

    I wouldn't be at all surprised!
