Wednesday 13 December 2017

On The Second Day Of Christmas, #TrumpWin Gave To Me…

...MSM hopelessness and despair:
A year of this stuff, and never has mainstream opinion journalism seemed so inconsequential, so powerless to envision anything useful about our national predicament. Look at the grand sweep of history: this is an angry, populist age, and with every year – with every little tightening of the inequality index – it grows angrier and more populist still. To the satisfied and comfortable American pundit class, these are alien and deplorable sentiments, and so they fall back on high-decibel moral aghastitude. They scold and they scold and they scold. But if they really want to send Trump and the Republicans packing, they will make an effort to understand.
...and the best TV advert parody EVER!


  1. The first sentence of that Guardian article: "It has been one year since the US slipped through a hole in the space-time continuum and chose as its leader the most unpopular presidential candidate of all time."

    I thought Hillary was the most unpopular, that's why she didn't win, isn't it?

  2. 'high-decibel moral aghastitude'

    Yeah, I tried that stuff but my drain’s still blocked.

  3. "I thought Hillary was the most unpopular, that's why she didn't win, isn't it?"

    Well, you might think so, but the 'Guardian' clearly knows better. They don't know ANYONE who voted for him!

    "MSM despair is a cheering sign."

    And I feel there's going to be a lot more of it in 2018!

    "Yeah, I tried that stuff but my drain’s still blocked."

