Thursday 21 December 2017

She Looks Like She's Battled A Great White...

Shocking pictures show the injuries the woman suffered - some of which The Bolton News has decided are too graphic to publish
...except for the fact that this happened not in the surf off the Cape, but on a suburban street in England.
The woman was near the junction with Holcombe Crescent when a man came around the corner with a Presa Carnario, also known as a Canary Mastiff, dog on a lead.
If that breed name rings a bell, well, it should.
The woman's daughter said the other dog 'lurched' towards the Cockapoo and her mother then pulled her dog behind her to get it out of the way. The Mastiff is described as 'going for' the elderly woman's leg before pinning her on the ground.
Her daughter said: "She is five foot tall and maybe nine stone. It was not letting her go. It was shaking its head while she was on the floor. It has clamped its teeth down."
The idiot in 'control' had no more idea of how to stop the attack than the authorities have in dealing with the tiny-cocked morons who buy these weapon breeds:
The man who was walking the dog tried to pull it clear and hit it on the head with the lead. A man in a van saw what was happening and pulled over to try to help. Eventually, the man managed to get the dog off the elderly woman and the man who had been driving the van put the woman's dog into his vehicle. The police and ambulance service were called.
Arriving when it's all over, as usual. Pity none of the neighbours owned a gun.
The man with the Mastiff waited at the scene and said it was not his dog but he was walking it for a friend.

And he and his moron 'friend' have been arrested under the new, more-teeth Dangerous Dogs Act, yes?
A Greater Manchester Police spokesman confirmed officers were called to a report of a dog attack shortly before 4pm on Tuesday. The dog was seized and no arrests have been made.
I despair...


  1. "Arriving when it's all over of course ".
    If only we could predict where crime was going to happen before it does. I'll call you Julia and Melvin as you are the experts at hindsight.

    An earlier report you must have overlooked. Note the comments from the daughter of the victim in this report:
    “If it would have been a child, they would have been dead. The police have been keeping us up to date with what has been going on and they have been fabulous.

    "Officers even came back in to the hospital in their own time to give her a bouquet of flowers. They have gone above and beyond."
    Sorry that the police don't all have your amazing gift for being right after the event but there you go, we don't have your retrospectoscope.
    Still, with GMP a couple of thousand officers down from their 2010 strength more cuts will make it better. I await the lazy comments of 'yeah, but, fingernails, high heels pride etc.


  3. The police ought to seize and destroy all dogs of the banned breeds and similar types. The lowlife idiots who breed, sell and use these dogs have the opportunity to sue if they feel hard done by but how many would? How many want to subject themselves and their lifestyles exposed to the glare of publicity.

    It grieves me to hear of seized dogs being kept in confinement, at public expense, for months pending their owners’ trial. This is not fair on the dog and is not fair on the public at large.

  4. "If only we could predict where crime was going to happen before it does."

    When a chav owns one of these four-legged weapons, it's inevitable.

    Beat cops would notice these things. Modern police never leave their cars, unless it's in a disabled space while they get their shopping.

    "Officers even came back in to the hospital in their own time to give her a bouquet of flowers. "

    Guilty conscience? And 'cuts' have nothing to do with it, as you well know.

    "It grieves me to hear of seized dogs being kept in confinement, at public expense, for months pending their owners’ trial. This is not fair on the dog and is not fair on the public at large."

    A policy of immediate destruction on scene in front of the owner would be more effective, and a lot cheaper!
