Monday 22 January 2018

No Longer A Nation Of Animal Lovers?

Britain is becoming so unfriendly to dogs that owners are spending more holidays abroad, the head of the Kennel Club has said.
Hmmm, really? What's to blame for this?
The organisation says many pubs misunderstand food hygiene rules and bar dogs from the whole of a pub, when the rules simply state that they shouldn't be allowed in food preparation areas.
I think she must mean city pubs, not those in the country. Don't think I've ever visited one without a dog or cat, as @PubCurmudgeon can attest!
Ms Kisko says she "regularly" travels to France with her own dog, knowing that she will receive a warmer welcome there than she does in the UK. And she warned that other families with dogs could be doing the same - meaning British businesses are losing out.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but it feels like there may be another reason for this reported 'unfriendliness'...?


  1. Surely not the "In-Fido-el" attitude?

  2. British businesses are losing out.

    But of course the Smoking Ban hasn't caused UKPub.plc any losses.No doubt Ms Kisko was all in favour of protecting her precious pooches from 2nd hand smoke....

    *Jools,pass me that miniature violin you keep handy, please*

    One might also wonder at the wisdom of allowing dogs into pubs where, these days, children are welcome. Ol'Jo's farting whippet may just lie on the floor eating cheesy wotsits but Chavvy Mc Chav's rottie is an insurance claim waiting to happen.

  3. Total bollox but it got them a few lines in the Bellylaugh.

  4. XX Britain is becoming so unfriendly to dogs that owners are spending more holidays abroad,XX

    To just get AWAY from that damn dog for a few weeks, do they mean?

  5. Maybe it's where I live, but dogs way outnumber cats. Labs, spaniels & little dogs mostly. Often one or more waiting outside Tesco, friendly and enjoy being stroked.

    Only attack dogs are inside nearby army barracks fence.

    History: Henry V vs wolf

  6. "Surely not the "In-Fido-el" attitude?"

    Nicely done! ;)

    "One might also wonder at the wisdom of allowing dogs into pubs where, these days, children are welcome."

    The dogs will just have to put up with the noise & smell... ;)

    "Labs, spaniels & little dogs mostly."

    Sounds nicer than where I live... :(
