Wednesday 17 January 2018

Pecking Order....

Michael O’Byrne, 52, was given a £600 fine yesterday for using racially aggravated threatening, abusive or insulting words towards a rival fan on November 28 before the match kicked off at the Amex Stadium.
The plasterer, of Farncombe Road, East Worthing, was heard by a police officer shouting “**** off you black ****” at the Palace fan, before he was arrested.
*gasps* Oh noes! Racism!
Brighton magistrates heard the comment was made after the Eagles fan said to O’Byrne: “get out the way you gay boy.”
Oh. Anti-gay slurs. *shrugs*
Before he was sentenced, O’Byrne, who said he has been watching football matches for 42 years, said: “all Brighton fans have had enough of homophobic attacks.
“I am sick of people saying to fans things like ‘I hope you die of Aids’.
“I am not a racist. I was approached by him and his first words to me were ‘Alright gay boy’.
I still don’t know if he was arrested.
You clearly have a losing hand in Victimhood Poker,chum. On this occasion at least.

On others, the police officer's hearing hasn't proven so deficient.


  1. Yep, just another Dorothy finding out that there are no off-ramps on the Yelling Prick Road.

    Screw him, at least no one demanded he bake a cake with 'Brighton Fans Have AIDS' on it.

  2. The interesting thing about this is that for 'Alright gay boy' to be a homophobic slur, describing someone as gay would have to have negative connotations. And as we all know, we are encouraged to 'celebrate' homosexuality at every opportunity, and being described as gay could not under and circumstances be considered a 'bad thing'.

    Thus in fact the person who took 'hello gay boy' as a negative comment (he not being gay and apparently not being that pleased at being so described) was in fact himself guilty of homophobia, and should have been arrested for that too. If he wasn't homophobic he would just have replied 'Actually I'm not gay, but thank you for thinking that I might be' :)

  3. Cis* white male, straight or gay, you're still right at the bottom of the pecking order.

    * I hate this 'word', and its variants. What is it with intersectionalists / SJWs and their desire to label everyone and anything, and to make up new words where none are needed?

  4. "as gay would have to have negative connotations"

    Wasn't there a fairly famous/celebrity libel case a couple of years back where it was ruled that describing someone as 'gay' was libellous? I seem to recall StonedWail wailing about it....

  5. "Yep, just another Dorothy finding out that there are no off-ramps on the Yelling Prick Road. "

    It's almost as if living your life in a bubble of hip urban SJWs doesn't prepare you well for the real world...

    "...was in fact himself guilty of homophobia, and should have been arrested for that too."

    *gets popcorn*

    "... I hate this 'word', and its variants. What is it with intersectionalists / SJWs and their desire to label everyone..."

    It's how they see the world. No nuances allowed.
