Wednesday 3 January 2018

Wait, How Many Do You Need,,?

I mean, two at the maximum, surely?

Or is it because of something you don't want to admit? Something about the demographic you need to target, and the way they react to anyone challenging them?

But no, far easier to whine about 'cuts', isn't it?


  1. Maybe instead of complaining about budget cuts they should be complaining about excessive paperwork required by the home office that is keeping them at their desks rather than out on foot patrol on the streets (running around in cars doesn't cut it, we need feet on the street for crime prevention).

  2. We never complain about excessive paperwork! What a great idea I wish I had thought of that.
    As for the foot patrol suggestion-this shows your age I'm afraid. In local areas such as town centres it may have some limited benefits but not overall. The borough's are too big and you callers want us immediately. Not a stroll away.

  3. Actually what the Police need is not more arrest powers, but a kind of magic ray gun which can be trained on any would be knife suspects and turn them all into unaggressive caucasian types who can then be easily apprehended.

    Imagine what it would do for the ethnicity part of the arrest statistics...

  4. Having been accused of racism by a community leader over my stop and search records, I ended up being interviewed (without coffee) over a particular set of stop and search forms. One was for a local vicar, one was a 73 year old lady whose lawn I used to trim (no naughty comments please), 2 off duty firemen and a scout leader (all of whom thought it was a hoot when I explained). Strangely enough the only offensive weapons I found were on the two lads who were members of the community leader's youth club.

  5. Shirley Met Plod have stopped "stop & search" as Khan, May & Rudd deemed it was racist

    Nick Ferrari's Passionate Plea: Bring Back Stop And Search To End Knife Crime
    2 January 2018, 07:42

  6. 1) Excessive paperwork. You want accountability? That means everything is documented. Remember 'If it isn't written down it didn't happen'. That is why there is a lot of paperwork. You'll all go on about cover ups etc if there isn't any paperwork so suck it up people.
    2) Foot patrol. I'm sorry, but without a vast increase in numbers you can't have foot patrol and fast response times. Foot patrol makes people feel all warm and fuzzy but with limited resources something has to give. I think the loss of neighbourhood policing will cause untold problems in the future as community information dries up.
    I still firmly believe that PMTM's opposition to stop and search was not motivated by any sense of social injustice but by a desire to get the minority vote.

  7. "Maybe instead of complaining about budget cuts they should be complaining about excessive paperwork..."

    They do that a fair bit too. Since they hardly ever complain about the paperwork caused by 'hate crime' and Facebook crime, I can only conclude there is none.

    "In local areas such as town centres it may have some limited benefits but not overall. The borough's are too big..."

    Have they changed size, then? Is our country GROWING?

    "...a kind of magic ray gun which can be trained on any would be knife suspects and turn them all into unaggressive caucasian types who can then be easily apprehended."

    Heh! But then, travellers are often lily-white..?

  8. "Strangely enough the only offensive weapons I found were on the two lads who were members of the community leader's youth club."


    "Nick Ferrari's Passionate Plea: Bring Back Stop And Search To End Knife Crime"

    I'm actually ambivalent, so long as no decent innocent people are caught up in it, let the savages kill each other.

    " I think the loss of neighbourhood policing will cause untold problems in the future as community information dries up."

    Dries up? In some areas, I doubt it ever started flowing at all...
