Sunday 7 January 2018

Well, Understandable... wants to downgrade their accommodation, after all!


  1. If they like their home the way it is (I for one from the pictures think they have been quite ingenious) then unless they are doing harm to another person or property they should be left alone to get on with their life as they see fit.

  2. Yup, freedom from and freedom to cuts both ways. Just like the Liberal Party was and now isn't, the Labour Party too. That doesn't leave much, does it? Best to take their example, judging by the way things are going. Gather ye firewood while ye may.

  3. "...unless they are doing harm to another person or property they should be left alone to get on with their life as they see fit."

    We can't have that!

    "Gather ye firewood while ye may."

    Before the trendy log burner becomes the next diesel car?
