Thursday 15 February 2018

Death Of A (Promising) Footballer...

Daniel Namanga was 19 when he was stabbed in the chest in a late night attack outside Afrikiko Nightclub in on August 8 in Old Kent Road.
It took the jury only two hours to reach a verdict to find Dickson Tangu guilty of murder, with Met Police saying he showed "a complete disregard for human life, including whilst at court".
The Wimbledon teenager, who played youth football with Kingstonian FC, had been with friends at the club when he became involved in an altercation outside.
Tangu, 22, chased Daniel and stabbed him in the chest, fleeing the scene before police arrived as the young man collapsed in the street.
A young thug stabbing a wholesome young man, then? wonders why the photo of the deceased in the newspaper shows him flashing gang signs....
Police made eight other arrests in connection with this investigation but they were all released with no further action.


  1. In her wildest dreams, Ms Upton could never have made up 'The adventures of Millions of Gangsta Dollies', anon.

  2. As usual. NHI.

  3. Indeed, Jaded. I preferred the austerity of the post war years to the hell of our present 'diversity'. We enjoyed decent standards of behaviour and had polite respect for each other. The disease raging through our inner cities will eventually engulf our furthermost rural retreats. Perhaps Mr Plod is already resigned to the notion that it is too late to save our culture from being swept away by a tsunami of violence, drugs and crime.

  4. Look on the bright side of life;
    One fewer, we're all safer


  5. "Golly."


    "As usual. NHI."

    Well, there's always the faint possibility of mistaken identity. We aren't dealing with the deep end of the gene pool here.

    "Look on the bright side of life;
    One fewer, we're all safer"

    That is, increasingly, how many people view these news items.
