Tuesday 6 February 2018

They'll Never Learn, Like Their 'Father'...

Daniel Bourne, 24, of Greenwich Road, Lewes, did not make sure six year old Mackenzie Bourne, seven year old Danny Puttick and eight year old Summer Puttick, went to East Hoathly Church of England Primary School regularly enough between February and October last year.
Brighton Magistrates' Court was told Bourne, also failed to make sure 15 year old Nancy Ripley attended Kings academy Ringmer between March and September.
That's quite some collection of names there!
Bourne failed to turn up at court on December 20 to explain himself and was ordered to pay a total of £967 by today.
Like 'father', like....


  1. Another year or so Granddaughter2 will be off to school and already I'm worried she'll be bullied . No, not for the slight mutant tint of her hair (bloody Scotch genes!) but because she has the same surname as both her parents and her younger brother , worse still, her Mama and Papa are actually married to each other and share the same bed! Quelle horreur! Obviously Youngest Son and his wife are uncaring parents....they couldn't even be bothered to give the kids proper chav, or at least Jamie Oliver approved, names.

  2. I didn't come into the world with any kind of silver spoon in my mouth, my parents weren't well off at all. What I did get was a sound work ethic and having it drummed into me how important my education was. As a consequence I have been able to buy my own house and support my family by my own efforts. However, if I should object to also having to work to support this bunch of wasters as well, that makes me some kind of Nazi.

    As an aside, I also know the difference between there, their and they're.


  3. Jack, I think you mean Scottish genes; Scotch genes would be derived from whisky. Oh, wait a minute...

  4. Brighton Magistrates' Court was told Daniel Bourne, 24, of Greenwich Road, Lewes, also failed to make sure 15 year old Nancy Ripley attended Kings academy Ringmer between March and September.

    Whut? He was screwing around and shooting fertile sperm when 9? My flabber is ghasted.


    Your recent Tank confusion:

    What is a tank? As it turns out, many of the things that you think are tanks are, in fact, not

    This is not a Tank


  5. "...because she has the same surname as both her parents and her younger brother , worse still, her Mama and Papa are actually married to each other and share the same bed!"


    "As an aside, I also know the difference between there, their and they're."

    A rare talent these days, I can assure you!

    "This is not a Tank"

    If it looks like a duck and... ;)
