Thursday 22 February 2018

Wait, There's A Scale For This...?

A Sheriff has ordered the destruction of a bull mastiff dog after its owner was branded “irresponsible” by a specialist vet.
And Moira Hunter, of Liffnock Avenue, Kilmarnock, was also banned from owning dogs for five years following her appearance at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on Tuesday.
Because after 5 years, she'll miraculously become Barbara Woodhouse?
In November Hunter pleaded guilty to being in charge of the dog when it was dangerously out-of-control on December 9 2016.
That saw her dog attack a labrador puppy, repeatedly biting it and causing an injury. Hunter’s mutt then attacked the labrador’s owner, biting her on the body causing her a number of injuries.
Sentence was previously deferred for a veterinary report on the dog’s behaviour.
Even dogs now don't feel the lash of justice before the system has commissioned a report from someone!
Defending, Mr Cunnigham told the court how the author of the veterinary report pointed out that the difficulty might not lie with the dog, rather its owner.
Mr Cunnigham read direct quotes from the report which stated that Hunter – who has an analagous conviction involving a Japanese Akita – is “not a responsible dog owner” and that the dog is regarded as a “level four biter.”
Who knew there was a scale? Not me!
Sheriff Elizabeth McFarlane said: “My options are quite limited and right now, they are quite clear.”
Finally, a judge with balls! Well, kind of.

It can't have been difficult, however. This is the usual type of dog, and the usual type of dog owner:
It took the witnesses in the street to shout at Hunter to do something about the attack before she finally intervened to halt the canine.
Well, of course.
Hunter sobbed in the dock as Sheriff McFarlane ordered the destruction of the dog with the requirement that Hunter hands the dog in to the police within 24 hours.
And if she doesn't, what will happen? Who will verify that the dog she hands in is the right dog?


  1. The owner was branded irresponsible by a specialist vet? We need more vets with such specialities.
