Saturday 3 February 2018

Well, You Won't Listen To Me....

...will you listen to her?
She came to this country in 1998 from her native Congo to escape war and an unsafe political climate in her home country and she speaks with searing honesty about social issues in the UK which she believes have led to young lives becoming cheap.
The grieving mum is angry that her children were taken into care for a short time many years ago after an incident in which she cut her daughter’s hair as a punishment as her own mother had done to her as a child.
Yet when her son was viciously stabbed to death social workers never once paid a visit to check on the family’s welfare.
Of course not! Their work was done, and they'd moved on to another family in dire need of intervention...
She blames social services for removing parents’ power to discipline their children in the way they see fit to set them on the best path in life, and believes that black boys from immigrant families are particularly aware of this.
“After that I felt myself like I’d lost control,” she said of her own encounter with social workers.
“Because my daughter she knows that I can’t do anything. Even Champion, he used to take the phone and say ‘We’ll call social services’.
“The black boys in this country they know they’ve got power with social services. They don’t listen to their parents no more, they’re not even scared of police.”
Feels like I've been pointing this out for some time.
Champion’s killer, who was aged 17 when he carried out the brutal attack, was jailed for 14 years in March after being cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter.
Asked whether she would like to meet her son’s killer, Peguy said: “The only time you can want to meet someone is when the person knows what he’s done. You cannot meet someone who is going to laugh in your face, because they were laughing at me in court.
It's hardly surprising...
She accused the courts of heeding the human rights of offenders who carry out knife crime but not the victims who lose their lives.
She gets it. Why don't the do-gooders?
And Peguy says prisons should be prisons and not the “holiday homes” she believes they are now “where kids have got a phone, are on YouTube and Facebook, are sending messages to their family anytime they want”.
Well, quite! I bet if she were whinging about racism or police brutality,. she'd be feted in the MSM, not consigned to a local newspaper.


  1. "if she were whinging about racism or police brutality,. she'd be feted in the MSM, not consigned to a local newspaper."

    But even the local free rag couldn't resist the temptation to title the piece as : "Newham knife victim’s mum accuses Parliament of ‘doing nothing because it’s black boys dying’"

    But what really made my piss boil was: "Acting Det Ch Supt Sean Yates, who leads the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Sceptre taskforce targeting knife crime, said: “There is a disproportionality in terms of offenders and suspects coming from black and ethnic minority communities, young black men, which is unfortunate - which is why we’re trying to work closely with those groups to understand it and try and stop it.”

    "Understand"? WTF is so difficult about the concept of a knifing, people have been stabbing each other since Uggg first sharpened a stick? It seems knifing is as 'nuanced' as FGM (was that on Raedwald's ?).

  2. @Jack
    " It seems knifing is as 'nuanced' as FGM (was that on Raedwald's ?). "

    Me here & on Bishop-Hill linking to Breitbart article.

    Meanwhile, Sad Khant moans police budget cut by evil tories and then "invests" £10 Million in latest Green scam.

  3. Correction:

    £34 Million not £10 Million

    Don't forget "Hate Crime" nonsense:

  4. "WTF is so difficult about the concept of a knifing, people have been stabbing each other since Uggg first sharpened a stick? "

    Well, quite! But we can't rush to condemn even murderers these days, it seems..


    £34 Million not £10 Million"

    Ah, well, it's only taxpayers money... :/
