Tuesday 27 February 2018

Worthless Animal At Both Ends Of The Lead...

Sarah said she was riding her horse Jack, with her then-six-year-old daughter alongside on her own pony, while her husband was riding his bike, with their then-four-year-old daughter on the back.
“We met this woman with a dog, not on the lead, and it looked lively,” Sarah said.
“She said it didn’t like horses so we said we’d take the track to the left.”
One might ask why if it didn't like horses, it was being walked off the lead in a known riding area. Of course, the inevitable happened.
After a long process, the owner of the dog has now been given a conditional caution, for being in charge of a dog dangerously out of control, causing injury, and has to pay £400 to Sarah.
She said she was also told by police that the dog died last autumn in a “freak accident”.
Attacked something that fought back, I hope?
“The whole thing was horrendous,” Sarah said. “And this – £400 doesn’t even cover the cost of putting my horse down.”
What is the point of such feeble punishment?


  1. everyone – the healer, the vet, the acupuncturist – all said Jack was suffering delayed-onset post-traumatic stress.”

    There, right there, is where my sympathy for Sarah waned a little. Did she not consider the awesome healing power of Magic Water(ie Homeopathy -and yes I'm being sarcastic)?

  2. @JuliaM

    "One might ask why if it didn't like horses, it was being walked off the lead in a known riding area. Of course, the inevitable happened."

    Equally, one might ask why Sarah was riding her [scared of dogs?] horse in a known off-lead dog walking area.

    Where we exercise our dogs [off lead] there are horse riders, joggers, children playing, soldiers, sound of gunfire, helis and we all happily co-exist.

    Your incessant anti-dog rants are becoming tedious.


    +1 Healer, PTSD - whut?

  3. If i was a gambler I would bet the dog is still alive.

  4. "There, right there, is where my sympathy for Sarah waned a little. "

    It's the latest fad. No surprise that even animals must suffer from it.

    "Equally, one might ask why Sarah was riding her [scared of dogs?] horse in a known off-lead dog walking area."

    Where else is she supposed to ride it?

    "Your incessant anti-dog rants are becoming tedious."

    Not anti-dog. Anti-irresponsible dog ownership.

    "If i was a gambler I would bet the dog is still alive."

    I'm hopeless at cards, but even I wouldn't take that bet!
