Friday 23 February 2018

You Can Take The Boys Out Of Somalia...

...but it seems you can't take Somalia out of the boys.
Yesterday Mrs Abdi called for anyone carrying a blade to be 'taken off the streets'. She spoke of her agony after her elder son and nephew, both 20, were also killed within a mile of each other in London in separate attacks.
She demanded tough action on knife crime as Scotland Yard Commissioner Cressida Dick said the 'senseless waste of life' cannot continue.
Yet it shows no signs of stopping. And you're all out of ideas, aren't you?
Yesterday the family released a statement saying: 'This is now the constant theme in our community. We are made to believe that the police are here to protect us, but how does a mother feel her kids are protected when she has lost two in the same vicinity within months? We have lots of questions and need answers. Somebody has to listen to us.'
Maybe those aren't questions you should be asking the police. Maybe you should be asking your 'community'. Or your sons?

After all, the police are treating only one as 'mistaken identity'.


  1. If you could see the wall in our intelligence office in my police station the faces of the gang members have one thing in common. And no it isn't the fact they all have ginger hair.....and I work on a leafy outer borough.

  2. You allow thousands of not very bright, culturally backward and ill educated people into the country and then wonder why they turn to crime and drug dealing; slaughtering each other on the streets over turf wars, reprisals and dissing each other.
    Added to that you tell the police they are racists because they disproportionately search ethnic minorities; you threaten them with discipline action if their own stop search record shows they are disproportionately searching ethnic minorities; No wonder the police are not searching them. Then you realise the police were searching the right people after all and start demanding they do more of it. You will be wondering next why they are reluctant.
    The solution to this problem is deportation of offenders to include their entire family. Their family is all they care about. Nothing else. It is the only thing which may alter behaviour.

  3. What we need is more Wakandian immigration.

  4. And Diane Abbott wants unlimited 'open doors' immigration? God help us all...

  5. Ive never understood why there are any Somalis here! A country whose main exports are rape, murder and piracy, and we let them unload their dregs here!
    Oh noes! waycism, waycism, we needs all the diversity! Nail a few bastards to trees in Hyde Park, I believe they understand the object lesson very well indeed!

  6. faces of the gang members have one thing in common-Jaded

    Hmmm tricky one that...let me it because their faces are dirty as a proper urchin's should be , that they wear Dickensian rags and say things like 'Gawd bless ya' and 'tis a fair cop, guv'ner'...with a penchant for breaking into song at the drop of a battered top hat?

  7. Although Enoch Powell was merely making a metaphorical classical reference when he spoke of "the Tiber foaming with blood" - after all, he was a classical graduate - his forecast of trouble ahead is becoming literally true.

  8. And Diane Abbott wants unlimited 'open doors' immigration?

    Not really unlimited. Remember she was not pleased by her local hospital employing Finnish nurses, because melanin-deficient Baltics might not be able to talk about rice an' peas an' ting while saving her constituents' lives.

  9. Nothing works in Jaded's intelligence office. Normally, such places are constructed of electrons, neutrons and protons...but the presence of morons inevitably leads to a structural collapse.

  10. "......and I work on a leafy outer borough."

    London's 'great transport links' have a lot to answer for.

    "The solution to this problem is deportation of offenders to include their entire family."

    Wholeheartedly supported!

    "What we need is more Wakandian immigration."


    "Ive never understood why there are any Somalis here! "

    Add to that Roma. Another backward 'culture' that we could well do without.

  11. "...his forecast of trouble ahead is becoming literally true."

    He was very unfairly vilified for pointing out the truth. Like Cassandra, he wasn't believed. I wonder how his detractors sleep at night?

    "Remember she was not pleased by her local hospital employing Finnish nurses..."

    Ah, indeed!
