Wednesday 7 February 2018

"You've got to be taught, from year to year, it's got to be drummed In your dear little ear...

"'ve got to be carefully taught."
Deputy headteacher Lesley Brookes said: 'A healthy start in life for all our pupils is very important to us and this has been part of the school's ethos for many years.
'Based on guidelines from Public Health England's Change4Life Campaign, and in accordance with our aims within the Food for Life Programme, this includes promoting water and milk as a healthy alternative to juice.
'On one occasion, children volunteered to dispose of their juice and have water instead, for which they were praised for their healthy choice of drink.'
Raising the sanctimonious little prigs of the future, one school at a time.


  1. A microcosm of what the nation is becoming: a battlefield, featuring chavs vs prigs.

  2. I fully understand and support the Head teacher, in what is undoubtedly a thankless but essential effort. Only the likes of WC Jaded would support the glowering, fat, benefits-dependent cows demanding the right to pack the lunch boxes of illegitimate progeny, with poison.

  3. Because obviously water, with its near-zero nutritional value, is so much healthier than juice, which is packed with important vitamins that serve a vital part of good physical health.

    Oh, wait, I know why: it's because sugar is TEH EVILZ, even when it's natural fruit sugars we've been consuming for millions of years.

  4. Anon @ 12:11
    Natural fruits, as opposed to processed junk packed with a variety of sugars, has fructose as the sweetener. Whilst fructose is the most readily absorbed sugar, you could not consume the quantity of natural fructose from fresh fruit that would prove prejudicial to health.

  5. "...chavs vs prigs."

    If that's the choice, where do I sign up to #TeamChav? Primary schools should turn out literate and numerate pupils ready for secondary education. If they did that we'd stand a fighting chance of getting back on the right track.

  6. Melv,
    I do wish you would stop talking about your progeny in this way. After all, they are the fruit, sorry, non-calorific substance, of your loins. So what if they are fat, little bastards, sorry, illegitimate, you should still love them for who they are.
    Happy New Year, by the way.

  7. Is it a full moon tonight MTG?

  8. Please support my initiative to reduce sugar intake. Send donations, make your cheques payable to Campaign Against Sugar for Health (CASH). I thank you.

  9. "I fully understand and support the Head teacher, in what is undoubtedly a thankless but essential effort."

    You have an odd grasp of what is 'essential', Melvin...

    "Oh, wait, I know why: it's because sugar is TEH EVILZ..."

    Like fat used to be.

    "Primary schools should turn out literate and numerate pupils ready for secondary education."

    Now you're just being ridiculous! ;)

    "Send donations, make your cheques payable to Campaign Against Sugar for Health (CASH). I thank you."

