Thursday 19 April 2018

I Think You'll Find It's A Hare They Chase Round The Track...

In mitigation, Mark Hudson said all dogs are dangerous. He said: “They have had the dog since it was nine months old. It has never before shown willingness or want to chase anything.
“They have taken it to public places and shows. Sadly, this is what dogs do, it’s what animals do.
"It was not attacking a human, it was attacking a cat which all of these bread (sic) of dogs are trained to do. There hasn’t been any previous complaints and the owners a good people (sic).”
Don't suppose you've been to many dog races, then, Mark...?
Magistrates’ ordered Archer, of Radcliff Road in Stamford, to pay a fine of £200, £100 compensation to the victim, £52 costs and a victim surcharge of £50.
A contingent destruction order was also imposed meaning the dog may be destroyed if it attacks again. The owner was also told the dog was not allowed out without a muzzle on.
Greyhounds have a very high prey drive. No responsible owner would take one out without a muzzle.

Still, I'm sure the £100 is enough to compensate the cat's owner for the loss of his pet and his wound, right?

If he ever sees a penny...


  1. "It has never before shown willingness or want to chase anything. "

    Well, if you're going to ding him for "bread", it's only fair that you get dinged for "want."

    It's "wont."

    (Sorry, couldn't resist. I like your blog.)

  2. @booby huh? I read the 'want' remark as being a quote/reported speech from Mr.Bread not Joolz?

  3. Jools, please change my last comment to read '@bobby' not '@booby', it was a genuine typo.

  4. Bobby, the 'want' is a quote from the newspaper article, that's not Julia's writing.

  5. Unfortunately, Jack, Blogger affords no opportunity to amend posts. Probably wisely..!

  6. Not where I live. Those we've encountered have been very timid. Our Malinois had immense fun chasing one around the polo pitches. Its owner was not perturbed.

    Most dogs chase anything - ball, stick, bird, cat, fox, rabbit...

    This was an accident, should never have gone to court - these things happen, accept and move on instead of seeking revenge and compo.

  7. "Bobby, the 'want' is a quote from the newspaper article, that's not Julia's writing"

    Ha, I missed that. Sorry.

    Bit I still like the blog.

  8. Oops, missing quote & first line

    My post: 19 April 2018 at 23:20 was reply to:

    "Greyhounds have a very high prey drive. No responsible owner would take one out without a muzzle"


  9. "This was an accident, should never have gone to court..."

    What do you suggest instead, compensation claim?

  10. @JuliaM, 25 April 2018 at 07:19

    "What do you suggest instead, compensation claim?"

    I already said No here: 19 April 2018 at 23:20 "move on instead of seeking revenge and compo"
