Tuesday 17 April 2018

Not Only Did They Escape Criticism....

...they are now backslapping each other for their actions:
They are trained to run towards danger to keep us safe.
Now brave police officers in Huddersfield are among those who have been recognised for going above and beyond in the line of duty.
This year’s Kirklees District Commander’s Awards saw officers who intervened in the vicious dog attack on Huddersfield man David Ellam recognised for their bravery.
Tragically, Mr Ellam died from the injuries he sustained in the attack.
An attack that wouldn't have happened, if not for the sloth of that same police force...
Eight police officers tried their hardest to save his life, including quick-thinking Pc Jake Knight who grabbed a fire extinguisher and fought off the dog.
Pc Knight, as well as Sgt Andrew Watson, Pc Richard Nicholls, Pc Steve Nicholls, Det Sgt Pete Usher, Pc Andrew Clayton, Pc Jafar Hussain and Pc Daniel Rush managed to detain the dog.
Eight? What did they all do, grab a leg each in pairs?
The officers were recognised for their actions during the incident and the work they contributed to the criminal investigation which led to the dog’s owner, Aaron Joseph, being jailed for 10 years. 
And some would say there should have been a few others in the dock with him...


  1. Eight? What did they all do, grab a leg each in pairs?

    My respect for Plod - nil.

  2. An anti-police story from Huddersfield? The perfect storm for this blog's resident troll to stir himself from his straight-jacket and post more mentally ill bile.
    Here it comes............

  3. Hijacked by self-serving liars, rogues and cowards, West Yorks police is less of a public service than it is a mutual admiration society. 'Bravery' awards that paper over serious cracks, help perpetuate a fading illusion of public admiration and the myth that police are still of use to citizens.

    A response that may one day mellow into apathy, remains one of gross contempt for this Gallery of Undeserving Plod.


  4. HMIC report entitled 'West Yorkshire Police Integrity and Corruption'...a little light reading for you, JuliaM.

  5. A Police colleague of mine was on a drugs raid, a raid on what was thought to be a major heroin cutting location. The location was fenced and two large and very nasty dogs provided the guard. Two well-placed .38 semi-hollow point rounds later and there was no canine guard. A simple but effective remedy. Thw WYP ought to give it a try.

  6. "An anti-police story from Huddersfield? The perfect storm..."


    "HMIC report entitled 'West Yorkshire Police Integrity and Corruption'...a little light reading for you, JuliaM."

    Blimey, I haven't finished 'War and Peace' yet..!

    "Two well-placed .38 semi-hollow point rounds later and there was no canine guard. A simple but effective remedy."

    I wonder if WYP 'marksmen' could manage to hit the floor....
