Monday 16 April 2018

Since When Was It 'A Lifestyle'...?

The barrister pleaded with the judge not to ban Graham from having another dog, saying he was habitually homeless and having a dog was an important part of his lifestyle.
Wait, what?
But Judge James Adkins told the defendant: "You asked [the victim] for money and he refused and [he] walked off towards West Walls and you followed and brought your dog with you."
The judge said the dog was used to intimidate the victim. Its bite had left the man with bruising, while he was also left struggling to see out of one eye because of the woman's punch. He needed a week off work as a result of that injury to his face.
Sounds like the bitch was even more dangerous!
Noting that Graham had 138 convictions on his criminal record, Judge Adkin added: "I do not consider you a fit and proper person to have custody of a dog."
But clearly a fit & proper person to be allowed to walk the streets and aggressively beg strangers for money?


  1. But clearly a fit & proper person to be allowed to walk the streets and aggressively beg strangers for money?
    Posted by JuliaM at 09:00

    Apparently not, according to the sub heading "gets 15 months".

  2. You think he'll serve 15 months...?
