Saturday 14 April 2018

"The war machine springs to life, opens up one eager eye..."

Well, great! Nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning to find your country has declared war.

Against a country battling ISIS-backed rebels.

On spurious grounds from known liars and fakers.

Well done, Teresa. What do you have to say for yourself?
'This persistent pattern of behaviour must be stopped...'
Hey, if you want to do that, maybe look a little closer to home..?


  1. And the terrorist organisation Hamas are laughing their sox off at how easy it is to fool the west.


  2. I should have added that Teresa is using this to distract the man in the street from her total balls-up of Brexit.


  3. It would be nice to stop blowing people up and just get the govt to pay attention to problems at home but I guess its more exciting and easier to put our forces in harms way rather than solve population crisis etc.

  4. As far as the "Bid Dead Thieving Gypsy Funeral" is concerned, the Police or local council have the authority to prevent the route past the hero's house, and should use it. However, they are so sh*t scared of upsetting the local local branch of 'Burglars R Us', that they won't do anything except, perhaps arrest any of the local residents who protest.
    There is also the report that the taxpayer will pay towards the funeral as Videos invent was unemployed. If the travellers can put £100,000 towards the funeral, then they don't need the taxpayer's money.
    Perhaps the good people of HMRC could look at the accounts of this vile family to find out where this money is coming dorm, but won't hold me breath waiting.
    Meanwhile, local florists, card, and balloon shops undergo a series of thefts and funeral parlour have carriages, limousines and a couple of horses stolen.

  5. Look, Julia. This country is committed to democracy and armed conflict with another nation just cannot take place without the consent of the people...but wait, that Royal privilege thing keeps popping up...

  6. This is what we've waited for. This is it ,boys, this is war. The president is on the line as 99 red Labour MPs go through...the lobbies ...or NOT in this case.

    Great song btw, which made an indelible impression on a certain young man back in the day but better in the original German.

    Its amusing to hear the more BrexSShitey grizzle about PMT.May using the Royal Prerogative in the traditional manner....Amazed at Ken Clarke , who is old enough in Parliamentary terms to recall how a former PM took the decision to liberate the Falklands and carried the can for her decision.

  7. MTG has made a spelling mistake. Let's all leap on it like a pack of hungry wolves. Sauce for the goose.........

  8. If Maybot thinks that foreign adventures (or interfering in another country's business as it's sometimes known) will make her look statespersonlike, she is sadly mistaken; I hate to say it, but I'm with Steptoe on this one.

  9. @ WC Jaded

    Take 500 lines: "I will not confuse typographical errors with misspellings once I have mastered those two concepts and I will conceal my inadequate education with correct usage of common homophones."

  10. Jaded,
    Don't feed the troll. Melv gets his rocks off from the replies to his postings. Do as I now do, and ignore any comments directed to me. The image of him sat on his toilet, tablet in his hand, furiously trying to masturbate, but failing to get an erection because no one is replying to him, is satisfaction enough.

  11. Dodgy ME dictator? Check. WMDs? Check (are they real this time). ISIS etc fill the vacuum? Check. No dead MPs or researchers this time? Check. It's a go folks.

  12. What a joy you must been to meet on the road, Penise. A huge chip on each shoulder producing a well balanced cop?

  13. Having 'enabled' moderation on your blog, your endorsement of defamation makes you no better than the filth you now profess to despise, JuliaM.

    Blogging has corrupted your one-time decent standards and having happily immersed yourself in blogging crudities, you are no longer sensitive to the stench. It would probably be just as futile to request being spared condescending rejoinders to my postings - I neither need, nor do I seek, you approval on any topic.

  14. Having 'enabled' moderation on your blog

    Sounds unlikely tbh, Jools is known for her ability to 'take it' (no, not what you perverts are thinking) but also to 'dish it out'.


  15. You should have no trouble finding employment with Messrs Plod or Jobsworth, jack ketch. The only things to befall the useless are promotions.

  16. The only things to befall the useless are promotions.

    The Peter Principle.

  17. Meanwhile,
    An advert in a Hither Green local paper: "For sale. Screwdriver in very good condition. Only used once. Small blood stain."

  18. "For sale. Screwdriver in very good condition. Only used once. Small blood stain."

    Fabricating evidence - your only talent, Penise.

  19. "And the terrorist organisation Hamas are laughing their sox off at how easy it is to fool the west."

    Quite! The most asymmetrical war in history. We're outclassed at propaganda.

    "Perhaps the good people of HMRC could look at the accounts of this vile family..."

    It's a mystery to me why they d...

    Wait. No. It's not.

    "Great song btw, which made an indelible impression on a certain young man back in the day but better in the original German."

    Oh, indeed! You don't hear the original much, though.

    "... I hate to say it, but I'm with Steptoe on this one."

    Ugh, me too. *scrubs self with wire brush*

    "Having 'enabled' moderation on your blog

    Sounds unlikely tbh, Jools is known for her ability to 'take it'..."

    No, he's right, I do have comment approval on. But it's there to catch the torrents of spam that keep getting through. It's been bad lately, after dying down a bit just before Christmas.

    Genuine comments get released as quick as I can.
