Tuesday 3 April 2018

Who Could Take Issue With The 'Expertise' Of Essex Police, Inspector..?

Why, not me... *tongue firmly in cheek*
Ch Insp Pudney said: “First and foremost, Southend continues to be a safe place to live and visit. The violent disorder on Tuesday is an extremely rare occurrence and it appears to have been targeted among a group of people known to each other and there is no identified wider threat to the public.
“There is nothing to suggest any organised criminality at this stage, nevertheless investigators will maintain an open mind.
“I hope the level of expertise that we have allocated to investigate this incident demonstrates and reassures the public how seriously we have taken this.”
H,,,,.... *glances at sidebar on the Echo*

Gosh. It's almost like your soothing words are falling on deaf ears, isn't it, Inspector?


  1. Heaven help us - the next thing we know they'll be sending nasty tweets to rival gangs. THEN the fuzz will get interested!

  2. I see no ships...is this one-eyed plod in denial or simply picky about his reality?

  3. cos off cuts we is so busy on facebook and twitter that we does not alus get to no what is going of on the streets innit
    pc jagged

  4. 'Denial ain't just a river in Egypt'.

  5. So now we know where Sup't. Mullett went after they finished "A Touch of Frost".

  6. That Chief Inspector probably has to spend a great deal of time attending 'Media relations' workshops and 'Effective Communication via Social Media' seminars (LGBT approved of course). He is expected to talk in that 'approved' manner, no matter what his personal opinion is. For all we know he might be sitting thinking 'if you want to visit then best bring your own body bag'.

  7. "Heaven help us - the next thing we know they'll be sending nasty tweets to rival gangs. THEN the fuzz will get interested!"


    "'Denial ain't just a river in Egypt'."

    Indeed so...

    "So now we know where Sup't. Mullett went after they finished "A Touch of Frost"."

    LOL! But at least he had Frost to fall back on. What have we got?

    "That Chief Inspector probably has to spend a great deal of time attending 'Media relations' workshops..."

    I'll take 'Signs your life has taken a wrong turn', Alex....
