Monday 14 May 2018

Ah, Wonderful, Enriching Diversity!

The Old Bailey heard that the 16-year-old victim and friends were in Plashet Road the afternoon of October 12 when a Mercedes containing Miah and his stepson, Yasin Patel, pulled up near them.
As the group scrambled in different directions, Patel chased down and stabbed the 16-year-old multiple times in his left leg and chest, Miah joining in the attack while he was on the ground.
Meanwhile Islam, of Fowler Road, Forest Gate, was having his hair cut in a nearby barber shop. Grabbing a baseball bat from the boot of his car, he approached Miah from behind and struck on the back of his head, fracturing his skull. He then hit him again after he fell to the floor. Islam drove away from the scene but returned to the barbers a short time later — while police and paramedics tended to the injured boy.
Just a normal day in Forest Gate, nothing to see here....
Investigating the attack, Detectives from the Met’s Homicide and Major Crime Command uncovered CCTV footage of Islam arriving in his BMW and visiting the barbers before the brawl.
After detectives tracked down the BMW, Islam’s solicitor contacted police the following day to say Islam would hand himself in. The next day, October 23, Islam was arrested and charged.
The story behind this should be interesting, shouldn't it?
“It appears that Islam was not involved in the initial fight which Titu was a part of, but he took it upon himself to casually arm himself with a baseball bat and carry out an alarming, sudden attack on Titu which resulted in a critical head injury from which he could not recover,” said Det Sgt Perry Benton, who led the investigation.
“Patel was identified as the person who stabbed the 16-year-old victim who fortunately did not suffer serious, lasting injury. The motive for this attack is unclear, although we believe it may have been due to a disagreement between Patel and a relative of the victim.
“This was a despicable show of violence in broad daylight on a residential street which resulted in a man dead and a young victim stabbed, and two people now facing long jail terms for their part in this incident.”
Import the tribal Third World, import Third World tribal attitudes and social mores.


  1. Unlimited migration, with open borders and no checks on who's coming in and they wonder why the crime rate has gone up. At the same time, funding cuts to the police force etc. Hmm... Did our glorious leaders actually think this one through? Don't answer that, I might know the answer...


  2. Nothing will be done about this, "in the interests of cultural diversity", until it involves relatives of Sajid or Khan as victims. Any illegal immigrants claiming asylum should be told it will be on the condition that they do not commit, or are involved in, a recordable criminal offence, in which case they, and their family will be deported. Being made to agree to such a contract should concentrate their tiny minds somewhat.

  3. In my neck of the woods, there are several 'no go zones', where you cannot go for fear of being attacked by gangs of young black men. Don't see the MSM talking about it, let alone our politicians actually doing anything about it. The police can do little, hamstrung by the cuts and lack of manpower. It's obviously being facilitated by our ruling class and we have no say in the matter. God help us all....


  4. F.A.O Oi you

    In 1968 there were 18,000 officers policing the capital, today there are 31,000, a 70% increase.

    When people demand 'more police' they should remember that more quantity is not a solution.

  5. "Hmm... Did our glorious leaders actually think this one through? "

    Like Libertarian, I suspect they did. Which is somehow even worse, isn't it?

    "...until it involves relatives of Sajid or Khan as victims. "

    You know what? I genuinely believe, not even then.

    "The police can do little, hamstrung by the cuts and lack of manpower. "

    That's not what is hamstringing them at all. As anon points out.
