Sunday 27 May 2018

Blimey, I'd Find Easier Pickings If I Was You, Lads....

...they sound a bit too well armed to me! But then, I suppose, it is Basildon.


  1. They do knuckledusters in kids sizes?! Amazing. What will they think of next? In my day kids had to make their own knuckledusters from strips of plaster of paris soaked bandages and broken razor blades.

  2. What are the Basildon children doing with knives and knuckledusters? No wonder the muggers are armed!

  3. There could, of course, be a simple explanation:

    Steve Lyttle-Byron was arrested with the weapon and 16g of cannabis. He told officers the drugs were to help his epilepsy and the silver knuckle-duster belonged to his mother.

    Ita Farelly, mitigating, said: “It is his mother’s weapon - she confirmed that over the phone today."'

    (Clacton Gazette, June 2012)

  4. "In my day kids had to make their own ..."

    Such deprivation!

    "No wonder the muggers are armed!"

    To be fair, I'd want a weapon to be handy should I ever visit Basildon...

    "It is his mother’s weapon - she confirmed that over the phone today."'"

