Tuesday 29 May 2018

It's Going To Be 'How It Works' Soon. Mr John....

Peter John, 81, said he thought the invasion by the women was 'ridiculous' and urged the them to use the pond for female swimmers.
Mr John, from Hackney, said: 'They're saying, 'I want to identify as a man today'. That's not how this works.'
Sorry, chum, it soon will be. That's why they are doing this.
Ken Menczer, 70, from Camden, said: 'We should be introducing disability measures over transgender measures.
'That's more important. I think they're completing abusing a situation.'
They are pointing out how it will be abused. As sure as eggs is eggs, and human nature is human nature.
One man shouted: 'They aren't men!'
*gasp* HATE CRIME!!!
Another said: 'This is ludicrous. If I turned up at the female-only pond and claimed to be a woman I would never get let in.'
If this Gender Recognition Act legislation goes through, they won't be able to stop you. Oh, they'll try.
PC Barry Macefield of Hampstead Heath constabulary, said: 'They've had a chance to make their point which they have done peacefully – but you can't enter a facility designated for the opposite sex, and if this occurs with men in the women's ponds we'd deal with that too.'
It seems PC Barry is ignorant of the proposed legislation too. Which is hardly surprising.
He added: 'The rules need clarity.'
They're about to get something, PC Barry. I wouldn't necessarily call it 'clarity' though...


  1. It doesn't seem to have been grasped by some people that these women weren't protesting against the pool being a men-only space. They were protesting against the proposed change in the law which will allow men to swim in women-only pools and vice versa.

  2. This kind of thing makes the decline so much more entertaining

  3. The only way forward is to label places by genitalia now that the gender fantasistshave upturned common sense. “ Penises only” “absolutely no penises whatsoever”

  4. It would be more to the point if the protesters actually targeted anyone who really wants this change in the law. The average man doesn't, even in Hampstead.

    The obvious demographic to target would be the trans "community" but that would lose them progressive brownie points.

    Alternatively, they could target the most likely institutions to practice anti-woman segregation but they might be Tommy Robinsoned - assuming they were still in one piece by the time plod got there.

    No, like most "progressive" demonstrations it merely demonstrates cowardice by bullying those least likely to hit back.

  5. "It doesn't seem to have been grasped by some people that these women weren't protesting against the pool being a men-only space. "


    "This kind of thing makes the decline so much more entertaining"

    *offers extra-large bag of popcorn*

    "The only way forward is to label places by genitalia now..."

    And so The War Of The Natural vs Manufactured Genitalia kicked off....

    "It would be more to the point if the protesters actually targeted anyone who really wants this change in the law."

    They usually have the sense to make themselves untargetable, as you've noted.
