Friday 11 May 2018

They Never Look Like They Miss Any Meals Themselves, Do They?

Sandra Mullen, 56, and her daughter Julie Mullen, 26, each admitted a charge of animal cruelty. They were both ordered to serve 150 hours community service.
It's a constant of these cases - black or white, male or female, they are always, always, absolute porkers...
A vet who carried out a post mortem on the dogs noted they were both severely underweight, and had died "painful and miserable" deaths.
The judge told the women they were both "utterly unfit" to look after animals due to "wilful neglect".
They should be thrown into a cell with narrow bars, and told their release is dependent on them being able to fit through those bars...


  1. Your punishment seems fitting and fair to me.....healthy too!

  2. "Your punishment seems fitting and fair to me..."

    I really should be Home Secretary... ;)
