Thursday 24 May 2018

Would They Complain About Gravity Too..?

...or is it just Darwinism they'd object to?
Teenagers diced with death by grabbing onto the back of a bus and riding it along a busy road. The incident happened on Wednesday afternoon and it was captured on a driver’s dash cam as the teens hitched a ride up Crown Hill in Rayleigh.
The witness said: “The whole way up the road, they were jumping on the back of the bus and trying to climb on the roof while it was in traffic.
“I could see the funny side of it, but being in the car behind it was dangerous and the parents would be soon complaining if they did get hurt.”
Gosh, would they really?
Rayleigh councillor Jamie Burton said he hopes it is a one off and that parents and schools should address how dangerous this is with their children.
You have a rosy-tinted view of the efficacy of Essex parents and Essex schools, Mr Burton...


  1. " the parents would be soon complaining if they did get hurt.”


    They'd be screaming blue twitter about your/the bus company's criminal negligence ,demanding sackings and beheadings; a change in the law to PROTECT the children and of course £££££££ compo.
    Heaven forbid one of the TOTALLY INNOCENT, beautiful, children got killed...sorry that should read 'MURDERED' ...

  2. The DNA donors would be screaming blue murder when they got the bill for the dents and other damage their spawn did before finding the Pool of Life was self-chlorinating. Gravity, after all, is a Law not a Theory.

  3. "...when they got the bill for the dents and other damage their spawn did ..."

    Insurance companies should do this. I'd look on them favourably come renewal time!
