Monday 4 June 2018

Death Wish...

Residents, councillors and the local MP have all come out to complain about the safety of the “crossing of death” in Charlton after a cyclist died at the roundabout.
Well, good lord, didn't the name give him a clue? Mind you, it's a bit on the nose for the council to call it th...

The junction - dubbed by locals as the 'Crossing of Death' - is near to Millennium Retail Park and where the new Ikea is set to open.

Hey, if it's so deadly, maybe not opening yet more shops to lure the Lycra-clad into the trap might help?
Paul Ready cycles through that area frequently and told News Shopper his fears for his life if he goes that way, taking videos of his experience. He said: “Most of the time it is a terrifying experience and in the last 15 years has only got worse.
“After being hit by a car I frequently cycle an extra three miles around the dome to avoid the feeling that one day I will die there.”
So you increase your journey time rather than finding less potentially lethal transport? Do they make the kit so tight it cuts off the blood supply to the brain?
Matthew Pennycook, MP for Greenwich and Woolwich, tweeted about the accident and asked London Mayor Sadiq Khan to help with the problem.
Sure, he'll get right on that when he's sorted out the acid attacks & stabbings.


  1. "Do they make the kit so tight it cuts off the blood supply to the brain?"

    Depends where you keep your brains.

  2. I know this roundabout well and I am a cyclist . Extreme caution is needed . With that proviso there should never be a fatality there . Most cars and lorries are moving slowly anyway as the frequent holdups are regulated by traffic lights . Every cyclist on London traffic roads has to be anticipating trouble the whole time . Head down and hell for leather is a recipe for disaster .

  3. If you're cycling for exercise an extra three miles isn't an inconvenience, it's just a little bit more exercise.

  4. "Every cyclist on London traffic roads has to be anticipating trouble the whole time . Head down and hell for leather is a recipe for disaster ."

    As is yesterday's early morning Darwin Award contender, head down over...his mobile!


    "If you're cycling for exercise an extra three miles isn't an inconvenience, it's just a little bit more exercise."

    Quite! I wonder just how many these days are cycling just to be seen to be cycling?
