Monday 25 June 2018

How Would That Go, Exactly, Shelina?

"Hello, 999 operator? I'd like to report something concerning..."

"Yes madam, how can we help you? What's the problem"

"There's a large group of black youths gathering in the streets!"


"I'm hanging up now, madam. Be thankful we don't come and arrest you for a hate crime."


  1. Obviously this was just a premature celebration of "Windrush Day". Pity about the collateral damage but, according to our rulers, that's a small price to pay for the cultural diversity brought to this country since the 1940s.

  2. "...but, according to our rulers, that's a small price to pay for the cultural diversity brought to this country since the 1940s."

    What with the heatwave, I fear for the Notting Hill Carnage!
