Wednesday 27 June 2018

Who Do You Think You're Fooling?

Assistant Chief Constable Jo Edwards, of Lancashire Police said today: 'The incidents at Thwaites over the Bank Holiday weekend understandably caused a huge amount of upset and anger in the local community and we recognise that.
'We have had a dedicated team of officers working hard behind the scenes to identify those responsible for causing these unacceptable criminal acts...
Maybe they wouldn't have needed to, if they'd turned up and arrested the travellers there and them?
...and this morning's activity is just the latest stage in our ongoing investigation.
'We continue to work closely with Thwaites Brewery and we have updated them with this morning's activity.'
'I would like to remind people that we generally have good relationships with the travelling community and the level of destruction and damage caused to the Thwaites site is not reflective of the behaviour of the majority of travellers.'
I'm assuming you didn't manage to say that with a straight face? Frankly, I don't see how anyone could...


  1. This shows how badly things have gone downhill. This happened back in May - the Nu Police are such a train wreck they can't even spin quickly. How many meetings did 'Jo' have to have with Roz and Dave to come up with that line?

    On the plus side, this might be my new favorite euphemism: I'm not ignoring your request, I'm just 'working hard behind the scenes'.

  2. Do you think this person rose to the rank of ACC by upsetting minority groups and telling the truth? I don't think so. Wait until he gets his pension,or nearly, and then he might change.

  3. deer counsel taxpayer

    i is takin time of me donut brake to tell you lot about the gud things wot local crims is doing first they is givin us a f*ckin gud money that we cud not urn aniware else secund they is missundastud a lot and finelly wen wwoz kids at skool you lot was bullien us a lot wont you it survs you rite

    pc jagged

  4. You wouldn't believe the lampooning the local police have been given over this episode. I'm quite convinced no arrests would ever have been made without the local outcry, but Lancashire Police have never been so hated as they are at the moment, so i think they were shamed into doing something about it
    There was a story in the paper this weekend about football yobs going mad after the England game and causing damage and disruption. The police did exactly the same thing and just turned up and moved them on, with no arrests. They are now 'reviewing footage'.
    They are rapidly loosing respect around here. And that's unusual, because our lot have never really got involved in policing Twitter or virtue signalling gay rights and muslims and stuff, like some of the other forces do

  5. The police have arrested five people, who have been charged with burglary. The Mail reports that there were 21 caravans and 25 vehicles on the site.
    Is that the best that they can do? At least they should have arrested the 25 drivers. Were all the vehicles roadworthy and properly taxed and insured?
    It seems that if a big enough group decide to do something like this, the police will do absolutely nothing; the Thames Valley police take a similar line, we've had 'travellers' in supermarket car parks, school playing fields, a garden centre and various public open spaces. I'm sure that they, like the Lancashire police are also "working hard behind the scenes" to achieve something. I'm not holding my breath!

  6. What is so difficult? Plod have the registrations of the vehicles so the all seeing ANPR systems will track them down. Ah, somebody forgot to write down the registrations?
    Another case of failing to find one's bottom with one's own hands.

    And the police forces around the United Kingdom wonder why they are held in such contempt.


  7. "This happened back in May - the Nu Police are such a train wreck they can't even spin quickly."

    And they probably have more PR staff than bobbies on the beat!

    "Do you think this person rose to the rank of ACC by upsetting minority groups and telling the truth?"

    No, I suspect they got there the usual way...

    "...Lancashire Police have never been so hated as they are at the moment, so i think they were shamed into doing something about it..."

    Blimey, if 'being hated' was a trigger for action, every traveller in the country would be behind bars now!

    "It seems that if a big enough group decide to do something like this, the police will do absolutely nothing..."

    See also the London Riots. They wouldn't have been so devastating if the police hadn't stood off for far too long.

    "And the police forces around the United Kingdom wonder why they are held in such contempt."

    I actually don't think they do - I think they no longer even pretend to care.
