Wednesday 20 June 2018

Why Should They Listen, When There Are So Few Consequences?

Megan Palmer, 27, and her husband James were trying for their second child but their plans were interrupted following the medical error at Rochford Medical Practice.
What sort?
Megan visited the practice for a vitamin B12 injection, which helps improve fertility.
Instead she was given Depo-Provera, a powerful birth control shot - despite querying the packaging with the nurse.
The subsequent anxiety as to whether she would ever conceive again led to Megan developing a psychological disorder, which was diagnosed by a consultant psychiatrist.
*sceptical face*
The Palmers decided to make a claim for medical negligence against Rochford Medical Practice and won their case. Megan was subsequently awarded £5,500 in compensation.
Is that all?
She added: “We decided we would make a claim because we felt it was important to show how vital it is that nurses listen to their patients.”
Unless the nurse has to pay it directly out of her own pocket, the chances of that happening are vanishingly small.


  1. Getting a nurse to react to doctor’s instructions unless they are written in the appropriate section of the notes is well nigh impossible , like telling one the patient needs a bed pan, help dressing, reassurance....

  2. How does RIchard Littlejohn pronounce it? "COMM-PEN-SAYY_SHUNNN ! ! "

  3. "Getting a nurse to react to doctor’s instructions unless they are written in the appropriate section of the notes is well nigh impossible..."

    Maybe that explains the Gosport murder spree...?

    "How does RIchard Littlejohn pronounce it? "COMM-PEN-SAYY_SHUNNN ! ! ""

    Oh, indeed!
