Saturday 9 June 2018

Yeah, We All Know What's Coming....

Passing sentence Judge Andrew Easteal told all four defendants "it is bad enough to warrant you all going to prison."'s a great big 'But...!', isn't it?
But the judge said he would not impose immediate jail sentences because of the age of the case...
Because it happened so long ago - it was in 2015. Not thirty years! And why doesn't that apply to historical abuse cases, I wonder?
...and the fact there had been no new offences.
This makes no sense, either. Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence anywhere else!
Barry Darling, who had 34 previous convictions for 67 offences, Petrie-Harrison and Jackson were each sentenced to 16 months imprisonment suspended for 18 months.
Bridget Darling was sentenced to 12 months suspended for 18 months after it was accepted that she played a lesser role.
This crime was appalling. The criminals were abhorrent in their actions.
Lincolnshire Police confirmed only one of the dogs has been recovered after it was found on the side of a motorway near Leeds in April 2017.
It is believed to have been thrown from a moving vehicle, but is now safe and well and has been returned to its original owner.
And yet the legal system cannot effectively punish the perpetrators. Is it any wonder that increasingly, people take the law into their own hands?


  1. In those opening lines from the judge is all we need to know as to why it is as it is.

  2. Age of the case should not figure in any legal debate unless there is a statute of limitations on the judiciary.

  3. You can understand why the coppers have all but given up, why bother, they might as well have gone down the pub.


  4. ""

    "Age of the case should not figure in any legal debate unless there is a statute of limitations on the judiciary."

    Good point!

    "You can understand why the coppers have all but given up..."

    I could. But they aren't doing it as a hobby are they? They are paid.
