Saturday 28 July 2018

Honeypot Attracts Pests, News At Eleven!

Residents claim not enough is being done to combat the problems in York Road, Southend, and their lives are being made a misery.
York Road. I know it. It's an utter tip.

And that's glimpses in daylight. I wouldn't venture down there after dark for all the tea in China.
Tammi Helman, who has lived in the area for eight years, says things are worse than ever and people feel intimidated outside their own homes.
The 47-year-old said: “There are tenants of the house of multiple occupancies and HARP who are making our lives hell. They hang on the grass of Toledo Road and sit on the walls of our homes.
“They are rude, disrespectful and have no consideration - drinking alcohol and smoking drugs, blasting music out to the early hours, shouting and starting fights then littering or urinating in front of everyone. Some neighbours won’t have windows open or sit outside. There used to be a lot of dog walkers and kids playing here but now everyone stays away.
“It is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done now. Residents are afraid to say anything to them.”
HARP again. Isn't it always?
Mark Flewitt, Southend councillor for public protection, praised HARP’s work and insisted security measures were in place and the council was working with police.
Time this councillor was given the bum's rush, for his support of the bums over the rights of ordinary citizens.
Jackie Bliss, HARP Chief Executive, said: “The idea that all street drinkers in the area are people who have been turned away from HARP is simply not true. We have an active security team at the Bradbury Centre, and in the rare instances where a decision is made to deny access due to intoxication, this is done with the safety of other service users, volunteers and staff in mind.”
Not, you'll note, the safety of the poor long-suffering residents of York Road. Still, at least they can comment on the story to refute the...


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