Friday 13 July 2018

It Never Stops...

...does it?


  1. When there's a shooting, the moronic twits call for banning guns.
    So why aren't they calling for the banning of cameras?

    Also, we'll need even more "laws" soon, to cover side-boob shots, and, for fairness & equality nonsense, taking snaps of men's packages. What fun!

  2. I think women should be banned by law from exposing themselves in public like this, and opening themselves up to the lascivious attentions of men. Perhaps a nice big one piece suit would do, I hear black is very slimming..........

  3. Surely, if a woman wears a short skirt, she is inviting people to admire her legs. Similarly, if a woman is wearing a blouse or top showing cleavage, she is inviting people to admire her decollatage? The alternative is to wear long dresses and high necked tops, or a burkha, like some Australian women did some years ago, only having lacy underwear or bikinis printed on them (no photographs I'm afraid. My wife wouldn't let me take any!).

  4. "When there's a shooting, the moronic twits call for banning guns.
    So why aren't they calling for the banning of cameras?"

    Then how would they take selfies..?!?

    "Perhaps a nice big one piece suit would do, I hear black is very slimming......."


    " photographs I'm afraid. My wife wouldn't let me take any!..."

    Probably wise!
