Monday 2 July 2018

It's Astonishing What Disturbs Snowflakes, Isn't It?

Apparently, Twitter doesn't like it when you call a moron a moron.


Blogger cleardly doesn't mind. See you all back on Twitter in 7 days!

Update: Clearly, in Twitter's eyes, dogs count for more than refugees!


  1. Sorry to hear that you have fallen victim to the perpetually offended snowflakes over at Twitter. That platform used to be worth going on but it is now just a left wing echo chamber. Come and join me over at the free speech microblogging platform where I can be found as @Fahrenheit211

  2. Lynne: ex-Counting Cats4 July 2018 at 02:53

    Probably ratted out by some intellectually challenged moron with an outraged sense of morons-must-all-stick-togetherhood.

  3. To think of all the disgusting things that have been tweeted to me by Twitter's militant atheist brigade, I could have had many dozens suspended for religiously-aggravated hate whatever. Mind you, I expect the SJW moderators would ban me for 'inciting' the atheists with reason and logic.

    I love dogs, but I had to wonder about a piece I've just read in my local paper. Three mutts were found dead in the woods and a crowdfunding campaign to have them sent to a specialist pet crematorium in Cumbria raised £1,100 in a few days (target: £800).

    Compare this to the attitude of my MSP, who flatly refuses to discuss with me the new abortion laws, the issues of women's wellbeing and Scotland's low fertility rate which is plainly going to make us extinct if the fertility rate stays so low, but dead dogs, yeah, big priority.

    Police 'hope' the microchips will lead them to the owner. Perhaps they hope they will have enough time after they've used their resources on more important things like reaching their targets via nicking drivers for being over the new alcohol limit in McNannyland and catching people Facebooking their exes.

    The court files are very boring. Not many serious criminals, it seems, or the police just can't be bothered trying to catch them.

  4. I thought you'd been quiet! I've only been on Twitter a couple of months and the rules are a mystery to me. I got a ban on my second day for calling the pope a retard.

  5. "Sorry to hear that you have fallen victim to the perpetually offended snowflakes over at Twitter. "

    Only another 14 hours and 47 minutes to go! ;) I'm rather loving GAB though.

    "Probably ratted out by some intellectually challenged moron with an outraged sense of morons-must-all-stick-togetherhood."

    So many morons, so many Tweets! :D

    "To think of all the disgusting things that have been tweeted to me by Twitter's militant atheist brigade, I could have had many dozens suspended for religiously-aggravated hate whatever. "

    I did consider retaliation, since a lot of purely abusive & profanity laced Tweets were aimed at me.

    But the lion cares not for the barking of jackals.

    "Police 'hope' the microchips will lead them to the owner. Perhaps they hope they will have enough time after they've used their resources on more important things like reaching their targets via nicking drivers for being over the new alcohol limit in McNannyland and catching people Facebooking their exes. "

    We're 'a nation of animal lovers', so don't be too surprised.

    "I've only been on Twitter a couple of months and the rules are a mystery to me. I got a ban on my second day for calling the pope a retard."

    *high fives* Solidarity, comrade!
