Monday 23 July 2018

Maybe East Midlands Police Should Train Their Dogs Like They Train Their Horses?

Police have admitted liability for a vicious dog attack that left a Leicester City fan covered in blood outside the King Power Stadium.
Not just any dog. A police dog. One apparently 'spooked by loud noises'.

Well, you wouldn't expect those at a football match, would you?
The fan suffered a 5ins scar to his arm when the animal latched onto it without warning.
It took at least 90 seconds to get the dog off, and the handler was also bitten.
And this isn't the first time.
Notts Police said both the dog and handler have undergone additional training.
People worry about the police having Tasers, but at least they don't leap out of the holster to zap someone of their own free will!
The dad-of-two from south Leicestershire, who asked not to be named, said: “You can’t blame the dog for what happened.
“I would not go through the trauma again for any amount of money – any compensation won’t reflect the impact the incident has had on me.
“The most crucial thing is for no other fans to be bitten by a police dog, not under any circumstances.
“Having said all that, I am pleased policies for deploying police dogs outside the stadium are being changed.”
Actually, there are some instances in which we'd want football fans to be savaged by police Alsatians surely?


  1. File under 'police dogs out of control'.

  2. Don't get this one, Police dogs have to go through crowd control situations which includes deliberate noise being created, if the dog is spooked by noise, then it means either the training no longer contains the noise element which it follows means the standard has been lowered, if it has disgraceful, any Police dog that failed these basic tests would have been taken out of training as unsuitable.

  3. "File under 'police dogs out of control'."


    "... then it means either the training no longer contains the noise element which it follows means the standard has been lowered..."

    Well, they did it for WPCs...
