Tuesday 31 July 2018

Post Of The Month

Small Thunderdog with a truly horrifying story of just how useless the State can be in safeguarding the vulnerable.


  1. Thanks for linking to that Jools. One of those horror stories that if it had happened a few short years ago , Shaz's head would now reside in the ice bucket behind the bar of the Arms. One can only pray that STD 'wins' in the end (although truth be told there are seldom 'winners' in such things), God grant him strength and that sooner, rather than later, Uncle finds himself in a safe and non-abusive situation.

  2. I've been following this and it's truly horrifying.


  3. Blimey. My head is spinning. The indifference/ineptitude of the police/social services/NHS is the norm so shouldn't shock us - but it still does.

  4. " One of those horror stories that if it had happened a few short years ago , Shaz's head would now reside in the ice bucket behind the bar of the Arms."


    "I've been following this and it's truly horrifying."

    It is, and it could be happening to someone near you right now.

    "The indifference/ineptitude of the police/social services/NHS is the norm so shouldn't shock us - but it still does."

    Yup :(
