Tuesday 10 July 2018

"Some Free Publicity? Gosh, Thanks Awfully!"

Joe Duncombe, who lives in Rochford, was in the final stages of shooting for his film We Wait in the Woods - a feature-length horror movie about friends mourning the loss of someone who had taken their own life.
As part of filming, the crew had used a prop pair of legs made of duct tape which were hanging from a tree in his parents’ back garden - something which angered many members of the community after they were left up over the weekend.
Well, yes.
“I wanted to create awareness and a bit of debate with the project but I was surprised this happened before we had even finished filming.
“The fact people are speaking about mental health and suicide awareness is a good thing.”
There really is no such thing as bad PR, then?
The crew have now finished filming and Joe has entered the post-production phase with the aim of getting it ready for this year’s Horror on Sea film festival.
Ah. Now it's all clear...

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